Request for Comment – Proposed Amendments to Notes and Instructions to Schedules 1 and 7 of Form 1 Regarding Agency Tri-Party Arrangements – Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC)

Market Regulation Document Type
IIROC rule review

IIROC is publishing for public comment proposed amendments to Notes and Instructions to Schedules 1 (Analysis of Loans Receivable, Securities Borrowed and Resale Agreements) and 7 (Analysis of Overdrafts, Loans, Securities Loaned and Repurchase Agreements) of Form 1, regarding the margin requirements for certain agency tri-party repurchase and resale arrangements and certain agency tri-party securities borrow and loan arrangements (collectively, the Proposed Amendments). The main purpose of the Proposed Amendments is to allow Dealer Members to be able to treat the agent in these arrangements as equivalent to principal for margin purposes.

A copy of the IIROC Notice including the Proposed Amendments is also published on our website at The 60-day comment period ends on April 22, 2019.