Insider reporting
Ontario’s securities legislation generally requires a reporting insider of a reporting issuer to file reports disclosing information about transactions involving the issuer’s securities or related financial instruments, unless the reporting insider is eligible for an exemption from the insider reporting requirements.
Reporting insiders are generally required to file insider reports online through SEDI.
Insider reporting serves a number of functions, including deterring improper insider trading based on material undisclosed information and increasing market efficiency by providing investors with information concerning the trading activities of insiders of an issuer (and by inference, each insider’s views of the issuer’s prospects). Insider reporting also helps prevent illegal or otherwise improper activities involving stock options and similar equity-based instruments, since the requirement for timely disclosure of option grants and public scrutiny of such disclosure will generally limit opportunities for insiders to engage in improper financial practices. These include:
- stock option backdating
- option repricing
- opportunistic timing of option grants (spring-loading or bullet-dodging)
All insiders, including insiders who are not reporting insiders, are subject to the provisions in Canadian securities legislation prohibiting improper insider trading.
Requirements for insider reporting are set out in full in National Instrument 55-104 Insider Reporting Requirements and Exemptions.
Determining insider status
An insider is generally someone who has routine access to material undisclosed information concerning a reporting issuer and significant influence over the reporting issuer.
The actual persons who meet the definition of insider or reporting insider are contained in securities law:
- an insider is defined in section 1(1) of Ontario’s Securities Act
- a reporting insider is defined in NI 55-104
Contents of an insider report
A reporting insider of a company is generally required to file insider reports that disclose:
- any direct or indirect beneficial ownership of, or control or direction over, securities of the reporting issuer
- any interest in, or right or obligation associated with, a related financial instrument involving a security of the reporting issues
- any change in any of the above information
Separate and supplementary insider reporting requirements exist for derivatives (which are outlined in Part 4 of NI 55-104). A reporting insider is generally required to file a report about a derivative transaction involving securities of the reporting issuer if:
- the transaction directly or indirectly alters the insider's economic interest in a security of the reporting issuer or economic exposure to the reporting issuer
- the insider is not otherwise required to file an insider report about the transaction
A reporting insider who is required to file an insider report about a derivative transaction must disclose the existence and material terms of the transaction in the insider report.
Insider reporting compliance program
We review compliance of reporting insiders and reporting issuers with insider reporting requirements through a risk-based compliance program. We actively and regularly assist reporting issuers and advisors by providing guidance on filing matters. The objective of our insider reporting oversight work is twofold:

Insider reporting serves a number of functions, including deterring improper insider trading based on material undisclosed information and increasing market efficiency by providing investors with information about the trading activities of insiders, and, by inference, the insiders’ views of the reporting issuer’s future prospects. Non-compliance affects the integrity, reliability, and effectiveness of the insider reporting regime, which in turn has a negative impact on market efficiency. Where we identify non-compliance, we reach out to reporting issuers and request remedial filings. A reporting issuer should make remedial filings as soon as it becomes aware of an error to accurately inform investors of its activities, and to avoid any further late filing fees.
Tip: Staff encourage reporting issuers to remind their insiders regarding their SEDI filing obligations and to file reports on time to avoid late fees.
Late insider reports (generally, those filed more than five calendar days after the date of the transaction) are subject to late filing fees. Late filing fees are set out in Appendix G of OSC Rule 13-502 Fees.
We educate reporting issuers through our compliance reviews and we also reach out to new reporting issuers directly to inform them of insider reporting obligations. We encourage reporting issuers to implement insider trading policies and monitor insider trading to meet best practice standards in NP 51-201.
Tips for filing insider reports
How does an issuer, that is an insider, report transactions under a normal course issuer bid?
Under NI 55-104, a reporting issuer can report acquisitions in connection with normal course issuer bids (as defined in NI 55-104) within 10 calendar days of the end of the month in which the acquisitions occurred, as opposed to within five calendar days of the transaction. NI 55-104 requires you to report each acquisition.
We recommend that you report transactions under a normal course issuer bid within 10 calendar days of the end of the month, in the following manner.
Step 1:
Report each acquisition of securities that took place under the normal course issuer bid as a separate transaction, with the appropriate nature of transaction code 38 -Redemption/retraction/cancellation/repurchase.
Step 2:
Report each cancellation of securities acquired under the normal course issuer bid as a separate transaction using the relevant nature of transaction code 38 – Redemption/retraction/cancellation/repurchase.
Staff have observed that many filers are using code 10 – Acquisition or disposition in the public market instead of code 38 – Redemption/retraction/cancellation/repurchase.
How do I report a change in the exercise price of options (repricing of options)?
When options are repriced, report two transactions:
- a disposition for the cancellation of options (code 38)
- an acquisition for the grant of new options with the new exercise price (code 50)
- the “general remarks” field can be utilized to indicate additional information relating to the repricing of the options.
If I am no longer a reporting insider, what do I have to do on SEDI?
Generally, you no longer need to file insider reports in respect of securities you hold in the Issuer once you have ceased to be an insider, provided that you have reported all transactions that took place while you were an insider. However, you must record the date you ceased to be an insider in SEDI by amending your Insider Profile.
How do I report a change of ownership?
To amend an Ownership Type and/or Registered Holder:
- click Amend holder
- Select ownership type and registered holder screen opens.
- Select appropriate option (direct, indirect, control or direction)
What is the benefit of filing an issuer grant report?
If a reporting issuer files an issuer grant report within five calendar days of a grant, award or issue of securities or related financial instruments, the reporting insiders named in the issuer grant report can report the grant on a deferred basis. Instead of reporting the grant within the usual five-calendar day reporting timeframe, the reporting insiders have until March 31 of the next calendar year to report the grant or award.
Staff have observed that reporting issuers are, in many cases, not taking advantage of this extended timeline by filing an issuer grant report.
Deadlines for filing insider reports
A reporting insider is generally required to file an initial insider report within 10 calendar days of becoming a reporting insider. Any subsequent insider reports reflecting changes in their holdings must be filed within five calendar days.
Canadian securities legislation contains a number of exemptions that allow reporting insiders to file reports on a deferred basis in circumstances where the policy rationale for "real time" reporting does not apply.
Consequences of not filing an insider report
It is an offence in Ontario:
- to fail to file an insider report in accordance with the deadlines outlined in NI 55-104
- to submit information in an insider report that, in a material respect, is misleading or untrue
The penalties for these offences may include one or more of the following:
- a late filing fee
- the reporting insider being identified as a late filer on a public database
- the issuance of a cease trade order that prohibits the reporting insider from trading in securities and related financial instruments until the failure to file is corrected
- in appropriate circumstances, enforcement proceedings
Exemptions to insider reporting requirements
Ontario securities law includes a number of exemptions from the insider reporting requirement, which are outlined in:
- National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations
- National Instrument 55-104 Insider Reporting Requirements and Exemptions
- National Instrument 62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues
- National Instrument 71-101 The Multijurisdictional Disclosure System
- National Instrument 71-102 Continuous Disclosure and Other Exemptions Relating to Foreign Issuers
The insider reporting requirement for securities and related financial instruments can be found in sections 106 to 109 of Ontario’s Securities Act and Part 3 of National Instrument 55-104 Insider Reporting Requirements and Exemptions. In addition, refer to:
- CSA Staff Notice 55-312 Insider Reporting Guidelines for Certain Derivative Transactions (Equity Monetization)
- CSA Staff Notice 55-315 Frequently Asked Questions about National Instrument 55-104 Insider Reporting Requirements and Exemptions
- CSA Staff Notice 55-316 Questions and Answers on Insider Reporting and the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI)
- OSC Staff Notice 55-701 Automatic Securities Disposition Plans and Automatic Securities Purchase Plans
For more information on the OSC’s service standard timing to complete insider reporting reviews, see the OSC Service Commitment.