Proposed instruments, rules and policies
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) continually works to improve the regulation of Ontario’s capital markets. We want to hear from you about our proposed instruments, rules and policies.

Out for comment
We currently have a number of instruments which are open for public comment where we would appreciate receiving your feedback on the issues outlined in each consultation paper. We may also have included some specific questions to obtain your views.
Under review
Once the public comment period for each of the proposed instruments has ended, the comments received are reviewed by the OSC and the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA). Comment letters received on each of the proposed instruments are available publicly.
For approval
Once the OSC is satisfied that no further changes are required, the proposed instrument is delivered to the Minister responsible for the OSC for review and decision. Within 60 days after the Commission delivers a proposed instrument to the Minister, they may approve it, reject it, or return it to the Commission for further consideration. If the Minister does not approve, reject or return it, the proposed instrument becomes effective 15 days following the conclusion of the 60-day period or at a later day as specified in the instrument. The version of the proposed instrument under review by the Minister is available for viewing.