Investment Management Brief

The Investment Management Brief aims to provide timely information about regulatory news and issues to investment fund and structured product issuers and their advisors in the form of articles published on a timely, as-needed basis.

The Investment Management Brief is prepared by staff of the Investment Management Division, and the views that it expresses do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ontario Securities Commission or the Canadian Securities Administrators.

The information contained in the Investment Management Brief is based on particular factual circumstances. Outcomes may differ as facts change, or as regulatory approaches evolve.

The Investment Management Brief, which was previously known as IFSP eNews, replaces the Investment Funds Practitioner (the Practitioner). Articles from the Practitioner are now included in the list of Investment Management Brief articles below.

Staff of the Investment Management Division review both Investment Management Brief and Practitioner articles periodically to remove articles from the OSC website that are no longer relevant.

We welcome your feedback, including any suggestions. Please forward your comments to [email protected].

Investment Management Brief articles

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