Opportunity to be heard and Director’s decisions
When Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) staff recommend that the Director refuse, amend, or suspend registration, or impose terms and conditions on a registration, OSC staff will send the registered individual or firm a letter called a “Letter of Brief Reasons” that provides written notice of its recommendation and brief reasons for it. When the recommendation pertains to an individual applicant, a copy of the letter is also sent to the sponsoring firm. Section 31 of Ontario’s Securities Act and Section 23(3) of Ontario’s Commodity Futures Act then provides that the individual or firm may request to be heard by the Director before a decision is made concerning staff’s recommendation. This is known as an “opportunity to be heard”.
Opportunity to be heard
An opportunity to be heard is normally conducted in writing, although it can also be conducted verbally, in person. The Director will then issue a decision on the matter in writing to the firm or individual, and to OSC staff. The firm or individual subsequently has 30 days from the date of the decision to request, in writing and by registered mail, a review of the Director’s decision.
Please note: not all Director’s decisions are confidential and staff will publish the following types of Director’s decisions:
- decisions for contested opportunities to be heard
- decisions approving joint recommendations to settle an opportunity to be heard where the recommendation is that the registrant be suspended
- decisions approving joint recommendations to settle an opportunity to be heard where the recommendation is that terms and conditions requiring strict supervision be imposed
Furthermore, staff will publish the following Director’s decisions even when an opportunity to be heard has not been requested:
- decisions to suspend a registrant
- decisions to impose terms and conditions requiring strict supervision
Search for Director’s decisions
Decisions of the Director on registration matters arising out of opportunities to be heard are searchable according to year and topic. The topics represent some of the main issues that arise in these Director’s decisions.
The fact that a decision is listed under a particular heading means that the conduct described by the heading was alleged in the case, and not necessarily that the director found the individual or company responsible for the conduct. In addition, some decisions involve more than one issue and accordingly they appear under multiple headings. Stakeholders should read a decision in full before referring to it for any purpose.
Director’s decisions on registration matters that have been issued since March 12, 2003 are published and are searchable. Decisions of the Director and of the Commission which occurred prior to 2003 can be found in the OSC Bulletin.
This Director’s decision listing is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be legal advice. Stakeholders may wish to consult legal counsel if they have any questions about the application of a particular decision to their own circumstances.
Search by year
February 6, 2025 Startly Inc.
December 3, 2024 Florence Wealth Management Inc., Rajkumar Ravindran, and Dalton McGlashen Jr.
November 15, 2024 Alan Clarke Robinson
November 14, 2024 Genesis Wealth Management Corporation
July 5, 2024 A.E
June 11, 2024 Mang Hei (Jaclyn) Wu
April 10, 2024 ST&T Capital Management Ltd. and Ning Wang
April 3, 2024 Milan Trklja
January 26, 2024 Samer Shamshum
December 19, 2023 Pollitt Investment Counsel Inc.
December 18, 2023 Theresia Fonny Hofan
September 18, 2023 Ensign Capital Inc.
July 7, 2023 Marco Tulio Pagoada Vallecillo
June 16, 2023 Gravitas Securities Inc.
May 11, 2023, Emerge Canada Inc.
March 29, 2023 Caitlin Eloise Gossage
August 18, 2022 Keven Rivard
August 18, 2022 Alexandre Galasso
July 12, 2022 Gilberto Arrieche-Sayago
February 25, 2022 Firminvest Asset Management Canada Inc. and David Ratcliffe
October 21, 2021 Gross Securities Corp.
September 2, 2021 John Kodric
June 14, 2021 Michelle Kamerman
March 15, 2021 Ardenton Financial Inc.
December 3, 2020 Becksley Capital Inc. and Fabrizio Lucchese
September 23, 2020 Kyle Krajewski
August 7, 2020 W. A. Robinson Asset Management Ltd.
July 21, 2020 John Doe
June 29, 2020 Ramzee Tams
June 5, 2020 PACE Securities Corp.
May 5, 2020 Trevor Rosborough
April 22, 2020 Michael Forsey
March 10, 2020 RWS Capital Services Inc.
February 24, 2020 Arie Papernick
February 7, 2020 Jonathan Covello
January 27, 2020 Merit Valor Capital Asset Management Corporation
December 20, 2019 Ontario Wealth Management Corporation (OWMC)
October 4, 2019 Paul Wenden
May 3, 2019 Wells Assets Management System Inc.
May 2, 2019 Sterling Bridge Mortgage Corp.
February 21, 2019 3iQ Corp. and The Bitcoin Fund
November 21, 2018 Maria Psihopedas
October 29, 2018 Donald Mason (ADDENDUM)
October 18, 2018 Glenn Coulson
Sept 7, 2018 Chris Triantos
July 18, 2018 Karine Brizard
July 18, 2018 Anna Joanna Knight
July 17, 2018 Antonetta Adebayo
May 31, 2018 Todd Milligan
November 27, 2017 Bonwick Capital Partners, LLC
November 14, 2017 R. Alan Filer
November 13, 2017 Hugh Smilestone
November 13, 2017 Pierre Prieur
September 28, 2017 Acker Finley Asset Management Inc
August 15, 2017 Sital Singh Dhillon
July 13, 2017 Kashmir Singh Marok
June 22, 2017 Hanane Bouji
April 4, 2017 Christopher Aqui
December 2, 2016 George Ranisau
October 20, 2016 Investar Investment Ltd., Liyuan Qi and Jian (Bob) Guo
July 21, 2016 Waverley Corporate Financial Services Ltd.
July 6, 2016 Smart Investments Ltd. and David Hopps
April 28, 2016 John Doe
April 28, 2016 Jarnail Kahlon
March 17, 2016 Sanjiv Sawh – s. 31
March 3, 2016 Greg Thompson
December 17, 2015 Edward Andrew Rempel
November 11, 2015 Dhiren Desai – s. 31
November 6, 2015 Cornerstone Asset Management L.P. - s. 31
October 22, 2015 Vince Domenichini
September 24, 2015 John Kodric
September 3, 2015 Eva-Christine Missullis
August 27, 2015 Argosy Securities Inc. and Keybase Financial Group Inc. – s. 31
July 16, 2015 Stephen Zeff Freedman and Sloane Capital Corp
May 1, 2015 Madison Peak Securities Ltd.
January 6, 2015 Christopher Reaney
October 23, 2014 Gold Investment Management Ltd.
October 16, 2014 Kevin Duffy
August 21, 2014 Arkady Burdo
August 6, 2014 Acasta Capital Inc.
June 13, 2014 Wealth Stewards Portfolio Management Inc. and Sushila Lucas
February 28, 2014 Pro-Financial Asset Management Inc.
November 18, 2013 Sterling Grace & Co. Ltd. and Graziana Casale
November 11, 2013 League Investment Services Inc.
October 1, 2013 FCPF Corporation (Formerly Redev Corporation) and Richard Crenian
September 24, 2013 Kingsmont Investment Management Inc. and Paget Arthurlyn Warner
August 29, 2013 Anu Bala Jain
July 29, 2013 Takota Asset Management, Inc.
July 26, 2013 Adewale Gbalajobi
June 4, 2013 Investment Allocation International Inc. and Marshall Miller
April 26, 2013 White Capital Corporation and Matthew White - (ADDENDUM)
February 1, 2013 Trafalgar Associates Limited
February 1, 2013 Fast Track Capital Inc.
December 7, 2012 Jory Capital Inc.
October 31, 2012 Trinity Wood Securities Ltd. and Peter Browning
October 29, 2012 Neil Macpherson
October 12, 2012 Eric Kaplan, William Russell, Quartz Capital Group Ltd., and Blythco Inc.
August 16, 2012 Douglas Allan Lawson
April 27, 2012 New Solutions Capital Inc. and Ronald James Ovenden
April 20, 2012 Christopher Veigas Couto
April 17, 2012 Paul Anthony Delaney
March 23, 2012 ONE Financial Corporation and ONE Financial All-Weather Profit Family Corp.
February 28, 2012 Anna Pyasetsky
February 10, 2012 Morgan Dragon Development Corp, John Cheong, and Herman Tse
January 12, 2012 Blueport Capital Corp. and John Hare
January 6, 2012 M.H.
September 27, 2011 Alexander Adams
August 30, 2011 Anchor Securities Limited and Martin Heppner
August 17, 2011 Desron Financial Services Inc.
July 28, 2011 Access Capital Corp.
July 15, 2011 In the Matter of the Registration of Royal Securities Corp. and Ningyuan Guo also known as Mark Guo
June 23, 2011 Windstar Equities Ltd.
June 22, 2011 First Canadian Property Investments Ltd.
June 22, 2011 Stephen Lorne Elias
June 10, 2011 Hill Harris Hunt Capital Limited
June 6, 2011 Fox Collins Securities Inc.
June 3, 2011 Riccardo Alberto DiPronio
June 3, 2011 Richard Derek Frost and RDF Capital Management Inc.
June 3, 2011 Alfredo Pino
April 27, 2011 Minvestec Capital Corp.
April 25, 2011 Waterview Capital Corp. and Dimitrios Neilas
April 14, 2011 Mistry, Jitendra Dalpat
March 4, 2011 Obasi, Cyril
January 25, 2011 Sanjiv Sawh and Vlad Trkulja
November 25, 2010 Abdelkader Hamdan
November 9, 2010 Ittihad Securities Inc.
September 22, 2010 Carter Securities Inc.
August 12, 2010 Townend, Lance Cory
June 7, 2010 Counsel Portfolio Services Inc.
February 5, 2010 John Doe
February 1, 2010 Trafalgar Associates Limited
October 28, 2009 Kaplan, Christopher and Poulstrup, Jake
August 26, 2009 Uxbridge Capital Funding Inc.
July 28, 2009 Sabeh, Chawky
July 2, 2009 Brown, Donovan Gene
June 2, 2009 Camden, Denise Marie
June 2, 2009 Olea, Luis German
February 11, 2009 Hopper, Kenneth Clark
January 28, 2009 Thierry Gevaert as an Officer of Hav-Loc Private Wealth Partners Inc.
December 30, 2008 Vengrowth Capital Management Inc.
October 27, 2008 Fitzgerald, Donald James
October 10, 2008 GMP Investment Management L.P.
September 3, 2008 Solovyev, Yegor
June 16, 2008 CR Advisors Corporation
June 11, 2008 Stone, Francis Thomas
June 9, 2008 Craig, Lawrence William
May 26, 2008 Claymore Investments, Inc.
May 6, 2008 Najda, Teresa Elzbieta
May 2, 2008 Collins, Norman John Frank
April 29, 2008 AIG Global Investment Corp. (Canada)
April 21, 2008 Meadowbank Asset Management Inc.
February 5, 2008 Swift Trade Inc.
January 28, 2008 Asbreuk, Rhonda
October 1, 2007 Connors, Theresa Darlene
September 6, 2007 Menkara, Amer Adnan
August 23, 2007 Wall, Jack
August 10, 2007 Istanbul, Hacik
February 28, 2007 McLachlan, W.R. Shawn
August 16, 2006 Pente Investment Management Ltd.
June 27, 2006 Vultaggio, Peter
June 1, 2006 Chou Associates Management Inc.
May 17, 2006 Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P.
November 15, 2005 Enterprise Capital Management Inc.
September 27, 2005 Optimal Models and Decisions Inc.
August 31, 2005 Michalik, Jan
August 29, 2005 Khan, Sarwat Roohi
August 10, 2005 Hansberger Global Investors Inc.
June 1, 2005 DeSilva, Roy Gamini
February 25, 2005 Boisvert, Andre Edouard
August 23, 2004 Florence, Nathanael Paul
August 17, 2004 Freedman, Stephen Zeff
July 2, 2004 Monarch Delaney Financial Inc.
June 4, 2004 Yaqueen, Abdullah Yama
November 28, 2003 Stuart-Russell, Nicholette
July 18, 2003 Ng, Leng Wilson
May 30, 2003 Assante Asset Management Ltd.
May 30, 2003 Jen, Carson
May 29, 2003 Cantillas, Angelito and Cantillas, Norita
March 12, 2003 Coatsworth, Donald Kenneth and Coatsworth, Jane Matheson
Search by topic
Florence Wealth Management Inc., Rajkumar Ravindran, and Dalton McGlashen Jr.
ST&T Capital Management Ltd. and Ning Wang
Acker Finley Asset Management Inc
Waverley Corporate Financial Services Ltd.
Sterling Grace & Co. Ltd. and Graziana Casale
Investment Allocation International Inc. and Marshall Miller
White Capital Corporation and Matthew White - (ADDENDUM)
Waterview Capital Corp. and Dimitrios Neilas
Firminvest Asset Management Canada Inc. and David Ratcliffe
Ontario Wealth Management Corporation (OWMC)
Acker Finley Asset Management Inc
Argosy Securities Inc. and Keybase Financial Group Inc. – s. 31
Investar Investment Ltd., Liyuan Qi and Jian (Bob) Guo
Pollitt Investment Counsel Inc.
Merit Valor Capital Asset Management Corporation
Cornerstone Asset Management L.P.
Sterling Grace & Co. Ltd. and Graziana Casale
League Investment Services Inc.
Investment Allocation International Inc. and Marshall Miller
Trinity Wood Securities Ltd. and Peter Browning
Morgan Dragon Development Corp, John Cheong, and Herman Tse
Blueport Capital Corp. and John Hare
Anchor Securities Limited and Martin Heppner
Vengrowth Capital Management Inc.
GMP Investment Management L.P.
ST&T Capital Management Ltd. and Ning Wang
W. A. Robinson Asset Management Ltd.
Ontario Wealth Management Corporation (OWMC)
Acker Finley Asset Management Inc
Stephen Zeff Freedman and Sloane Capital Corp
Gold Investment Management Ltd.
Wealth Stewards Portfolio Management Inc. and Sushila Lucas
Sterling Grace & Co. Ltd. and Graziana Casale
FCPF Corporation (Formerly Redev Corporation) and Richard Crenian
Investment Allocation International Inc. and Marshall Miller
White Capital Corporation and Matthew White - (ADDENDUM)
Eric Kaplan, William Russell, Quartz Capital Group Ltd., and Blythco Inc.
Morgan Dragon Development Corp, John Cheong, and Herman Tse
Blueport Capital Corp. and John Hare
Royal Securities Corp. and Ningyuan Guo also known as Mark Guo
Richard Derek Frost and RDF Capital Management Inc.
Pollitt Investment Counsel Inc.
Merit Valor Capital Asset Management Corporation
Cornerstone Asset Management L.P.
Trafalgar Associates Limited (2013)
Morgan Dragon Development Corp, John Cheong, and Herman Tse
Counsel Portfolio Services Inc.
AIG Global Investment Corp. (Canada)
Chou Associates Management Inc.
Goldman Sachs Asset Management, L.P.
Enterprise Capital Management Inc.
Optimal Models and Decisions Inc.
Florence Wealth Management Inc., Rajkumar Ravindran, and Dalton McGlashen Jr.
Marco Tulio Pagoada Vallecillo
Smart Investments Ltd. and David Hopps
Sterling Grace & Co. Ltd. and Graziana Casale
Kingsmont Investment Management Inc. and Paget Arthurlyn Warner
Eric Kaplan, William Russell, Quartz Capital Group Ltd., and Blythco Inc.
Royal Securities Corp. and Ningyuan Guo also known as Mark Guo
Trafalgar Associates Limited(2010)
Thierry Gevaert as an Officer of Hav-Loc Private Wealth Partners Inc.
Ontario Wealth Management Corporation (OWMC)
Sterling Grace & Co. Ltd. and Graziana Casale
FCPF Corporation (Formerly Redev Corporation) and Richard Crenian
Kingsmont Investment Management Inc. and Paget Arthurlyn Warner
Investment Allocation International Inc. and Marshall Miller
Blueport Capital Corp. and John Hare
Royal Securities Corp. and Ningyuan Guo also known as Mark Guo
Investar Investment Ltd., Liyuan Qi and Jian (Bob) Guo
Smart Investments Ltd. and David Hopps
Wealth Stewards Portfolio Management Inc. and Sushila Lucas
Sterling Grace & Co. Ltd. and Graziana Casale
FCPF Corporation (Formerly Redev Corporation) and Richard Crenian
Eric Kaplan, William Russell, Quartz Capital Group Ltd., and Blythco Inc.
Blueport Capital Corp. and John Hare
Anchor Securities Limited and Martin Heppner
Desron Financial Services Inc.
Royal Securities Corp. and Ningyuan Guo also known as Mark Guo
Waterview Capital Corp. and Dimitrios Neilas
Thierry Gevaert as an Officer of Hav-Loc Private Wealth Partners Inc.