Notice of Information Sharing Agreement Between the Ontario Securities Commission and Statistics Canada

On September 27, 2022, Statistics Canada issued a mandatory request for information from the OSC. Statistics Canada specifically requested that the OSC provide certain derivatives, investment fund and crypto asset trading platform data from September 2022 and onward.

To fulfill this request, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) entered into an Information Sharing Agreement with Statistics Canada (the Agreement) on February 13, 2025.

The Agreement provides for Statistics Canada to receive certain crypto asset trading platform and investment fund survey data from the OSC for the purposes of carrying out its duties under the Statistics Act, RSC 1985, c. S-19. The terms of the Agreement outline details of the shared data and the conditions and procedures for sharing the data.

Questions may be referred to:

Greg Toczylowski
Manager, Trading & Markets -- Derivatives
Ontario Securities Commission






HIS MAJESTY THE KING IN RIGHT OF CANADA, as represented by the Chief Statistician of Canada, ("Statistics Canada"),



Each a "Party", and collectively referred to as the "Parties"


1. The OSC collects information and data on securities and derivatives transactions in the Province of Ontario as part of its regulatory oversight function;

2. On September 27, 2022, Statistics Canada issued a mandatory request for information from the OSC (the "Mandatory Request"). In the Mandatory Request, Statistics Canada specifically requested certain derivatives, investment fund and crypto asset trading platform data from September 2022 and onward from the OSC. The Mandatory Request states that no personal information is being requested.

3. Statistics Canada requires the Data, as defined in this Agreement, under the custody and control of the OSC for the purposes of carrying out its duties under the Statistics Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. S-19 (the "Act");

4. Section 22 of the Act authorizes the Chief Statistician to collect, compile, analyze, abstract and publish statistics in relation to finance;

5. The sharing of the Data with Statistics Canada will avoid duplication of collection, thereby reducing the burden on Canadians and the costs of collecting and processing data, and will provide high quality and timely statistics;

6. Section 3 of the Act sets out the duties of Statistics Canada, which include collaborating with departments of government, which, by definition in the Act, include departments, boards, bureaus or other divisions of the Government of Canada or of the government of a province or any agency, in the collection, compilation and publication of statistical information, including statistics derived from the activities of those departments; and, promoting and developing integrated social and economic statistics pertaining to the whole of Canada and to each of the provinces and territories thereof and to coordinate plans for the integration of such statistics;

7. Section 13 of the Act provides that the Chief Statistician be granted access to any documents or records that are maintained in any department or in any municipal office, corporation, business or organization, from which information is sought in respect of the objects of the Act;

8. Subsection 8(2) of the Act requires the Chief Statistician to publish any mandatory request for information before the request is made;

9. Subsection 8(3) of the Act requires the Chief Statistician to notify the Minister of any new mandatory request for information at least 30 days before the day on which it is published;

10. Subsection 17(1) of the Act protects the confidentiality of the Information;

11. Paragraph 13(1)(c) of the Access to Information Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. A-1, provides that the head of a government institution shall refuse to disclose any record requested under the Access to Information Act that contains information that was obtained in confidence from the government of a province or an institution thereof;

12. Subsection 24(1) of the Access to Information Act provides that the head of a government institution shall refuse to disclose any record requested under the Access to Information Act that contains information, the disclosure of which is restricted by or pursuant to any provision set out in Schedule II. The confidentiality provision of the Statistics Act, section 17, being included in Schedule II of the Access to Information Act, Statistics Canada shall refuse to disclose any records protected by section 17 of the Statistics Act, which are requested under the Access to Information Act;

13. The Parties wish to ensure that the sharing of the Data by the OSC with Statistics Canada conforms with the statutory requirements referred to above and wish to establish in writing the conditions and procedures for the sharing of the Data;

NOW THEREFORE the Parties agree as follows:


1.1 Definitions

In this Agreement, a capitalized term has the meaning given to it in this section, unless the context indicates otherwise:

"Data" means the variables listed in Appendix 'B'.

"Data Custodian" means an employee of Statistics Canada, who is the incumbent of a position designated as Data Custodian by Statistics Canada's Official to assume the responsibilities set out in subsection 9.2 of this Agreement.

"Deemed Employee" means an individual who is executing duties conferred under the Act and who is deemed to be employed under the Act, pursuant to section 5 or section 10 of the Act.

"Information" means the Data shared with Statistics Canada pursuant to this Agreement, and Statistical Aggregates thereof that could directly or indirectly identify a Person.

"Microdata Linkage" means the combining of two or more micro-records to form a composite record containing information about the same entity. The output of a Microdata Linkage must contain information that originated from more than one data file that were inputs to the Microdata Linkage activity.

"Official" means the Parties' representatives identified in section 13 of this Agreement.

"Person" means an individual, a partnership, an association, a post-secondary institution such as a university or college, a federal, provincial, or municipal entity, a corporation and a not-for-profit organization.

"Statistical Aggregates" means outputs produced from the Data that result from any type of statistical analysis, including but not limited to cross-tabulations, means and medians, and regression model coefficients.

1.2 Interpretation of Appendices

This Agreement contains the following Appendices as described below, which form an integral part of this Agreement:

(a) Appendix 'A' -- Security Requirements

(b) Appendix 'B' -- Data to be shared

In case of inconsistency or conflict between a provision contained in the part of the Agreement preceding the signatures and a provision contained in any of the Appendices to this Agreement, the provision contained in the part of the Agreement preceding the signatures will prevail.

1.3 No representation or warranty

No representation or warranty, whether express, implied or otherwise, has been made by the OSC to Statistics Canada, except as expressly set out in this Agreement. For greater clarity, the OSC makes no representation or warranty in respect of the accuracy of the Data provided under this Agreement and the OSC shall not be liable for any errors or inaccuracies in the Data.


The Parties acknowledge that the Data is collected by the OSC. There will be no requirement for the OSC to collect data or other information that it does not already collect or that it ceases to collect.


The details on the Data requested by Statistics Canada, the method of transmission and the time intervals for the provision of the Data to Statistics Canada are outlined in Appendix 'B'.


Statistics Canada employs a system (called the E-file Transfer system) to permit the secure electronic transmission of sensitive information from another organization to Statistics Canada. Although the Parties may agree on an alternative approach to transmitting the Data, Statistics Canada encourages the use of the E-file Transfer system. Once the OSC has submitted the Data into the E-file Transfer system, Statistics Canada takes complete responsibility for the protection of the Data, for as long as Statistics Canada holds the Data. Refer to the Appendix 'A' for more details on security requirements.


5.1 The OSC will transmit the Data to Statistics Canada by secure means of transmission.

5.2 Statistics Canada will ensure that appropriate security measures are taken to protect against loss, theft, corruption or unauthorized access, use or disclosure of the Information, including without limitation, the security requirements set out in Appendix 'A'.

5.3 Statistics Canada will within 2 business days report any loss, theft, unauthorized access, use or disclosure of the Information to the OSC or any cybersecurity attack involving the Information.

5.4 Without limiting sections 5.2 to 5.4, the Information will be dealt with by Statistics Canada in accordance with the provisions of the Act and any other law which may be applicable.

5.5 Except as may be required by law, or as contemplated by section 7 of this Agreement, or otherwise with the consent of the OSC, and subject to what is already public information, Statistics Canada agrees to keep the Information in confidence, including for greater certainty individual transaction data or data that identifies individual counterparties or transactions, both during the period of this Agreement and at any time after.

5.6 Subject to section 7 of this Agreement, Statistics Canada agrees not to disclose Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the OSC, both during the period of this Agreement and at any time after.


6.1 The Information will be used solely for the purposes of the Act, that is, for statistical and research purposes only.

6.2 An important statistical use of the Data is Microdata Linkage. Statistics Canada's Directive on Microdata Linkage describes the approval process required prior to engaging in Microdata Linkage activities. In most cases, the non-confidential statistical outputs from these projects are published by Statistics Canada.


7.1 Statistics Canada will only release or publish Statistical Aggregates that do not directly or indirectly identify a Person, except in accordance with subsection 17(2) of the Act. In addition to the signing of an order by the Chief Statistician:

7.1.1 When disclosing Information pursuant to paragraph 17(2)(a) of the Act, Statistics Canada will:

a) obtain a written authorization from the OSC prior to any disclosure;

b) apply the secrecy requirements to the Information as set out in the Act, the Access to Information Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. A-1), and this Agreement.

7.2 Statistics Canada will provide to the OSC, upon request, copies of arrangements with organizations to which Statistics Canada intends to disclose Information.

7.3 Statistics Canada will direct to the OSC any requests for release of the Information not permitted pursuant to the provisions in this Agreement.


A Party shall notify the other Party in writing immediately upon becoming aware that any of the provisions of this Agreement has not been complied with. The selected method of communication must allow the Party in breach of this Agreement to receive the notice as soon as possible and in any event within two (2) business days of being sent.


9.1 Statistics Canada's Official will designate an employee as the Data Custodian of the Information.

9.2 The Data Custodian will maintain a record of all employees and Deemed Employees who have been granted access to the Information. The audit trail will contain the following information:

a) File name and reference period (or other information to distinguish different Information files);

b) Name of individual to whom access is given;

c) Justification for access;

d) Name of delegated manager who authorized access and date of authorization; and

e) Start and end dates of period for which access is authorized.

9.3 Statistics Canada will conduct periodic internal audits or reviews of the use, disclosure, security, retention and disposition of the Information.

9.4 Upon request by the OSC, Statistics Canada will provide a summary of the audit trail kept by the Data Custodian pursuant to subsection 9.2, and a copy of the reports on the internal audits or reviews prepared pursuant to subsection 9.3.


10.1 This Agreement comes into force when signed by both Parties, and will terminate after a period of six (6) years beginning on the date of the later signature, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of section 11 of this Agreement.

10.2 Statistics Canada may elect to renew and extend the term of this Agreement for further periods of six (6) years each by notifying the OSC in writing. The renewal will be subject to the OSC's consent in writing.


This Agreement may be terminated for any reason by either Party upon thirty (30) days' notice of termination having been made in writing to the other Party, or at a time otherwise agreed upon by the Parties. Such termination will take effect on the expiry of the notice period.


Should Statistics Canada determine that the Data is no longer required to meet its mandate, the relevant dispositions of the Library and Archives Act, as well as Statistics Canada's Policy on Information Resource Management will be applied to determine the required retention period of the Data. Once the end of that retention period is reached, Statistics Canada will either destroy the Data or return it to the OSC, within the period agreed to in writing by the Parties.


The Parties have designated the Officials listed below as the points of contact for the administration of the provisions of this Agreement.

13.1 The Official for Statistics Canada will be:

Brenda Bugge
National Economic Accounts Division
Statistics Canada
150 Tunney's Pasture Driveway
Ottawa, ON K1A 0T6
[email protected] 

13.2 The Official for the OSC will be:

Grant Vingoe
Chief Executive Officer
Ontario Securities Commission
20 Queen Street West, 20th Floor
Toronto ON, M5H 3S8
[email protected] 


Where a dispute arises as to the interpretation of this Agreement or of matters relating to its termination, or of performance hereunder, the Officials for both Parties will attempt in good faith to resolve the dispute through negotiation. Should negotiation prove unsuccessful, the Officials will submit the matter to their senior management for resolution.


The Parties will make reasonable efforts to give each other sixty (60) days' notice in writing of any changes in their respective programs, policies or legislation which may affect this Agreement.


No amendment to this Agreement will be effective unless it is made in writing and signed by the Officials, subject to required authorizations.


17.1 Entire Agreement

This Agreement constitutes the entire and only agreement on the sharing of the Data between the Parties and supersedes all previous negotiations, communications and other agreements, whether written or oral, unless they are incorporated by reference in this Agreement. With respect to the sharing of the Data, there are no terms, covenants, representations, statements or conditions binding on the Parties other than those contained in this Agreement.

17.2 Notices

Unless otherwise specified in the Agreement, where in this Agreement any notice or other communication is required to be given or made by either Party, it shall be in writing and be effective if sent by registered mail, e-mail, facsimile, postage prepaid or delivered in person, addressed to the respective Party at the contact information outlined under section 13 of this Agreement. Any notice or other communication shall be deemed to have been given: if by registered mail when the postal receipt is acknowledged by the other Party; if by e-mail or facsimile on the day after the e-mail or facsimile was sent; if by mail on the eighth (8th) calendar day following the day of mailing.

17.3 Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and all applicable laws of Canada.

17.4 Waiver

Any tolerance or indulgence demonstrated by one Party to the other, or any partial or limited exercise of rights conferred on a Party, shall not constitute a waiver of rights, unless expressly waived in writing by that Party.

17.5 Severance

If any provision of this Agreement, whether in whole or in part, is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable, such provision or portion thereof declared invalid or unenforceable shall be deemed to be severable and shall be deleted from this Agreement and all remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement will continue to be valid and enforceable.

17.6 Survival

The sections of this Agreement regarding restrictions on use, confidentiality, termination and general, and any other provisions which by their nature survive the termination or expiry of this Agreement, will survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement.

17.7 Counterparts signature

This Agreement may be signed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument.


For transparency purposes, Statistics Canada will release information that will list sources of data obtained and used by Statistics Canada in the fulfilment of its mandate. The information will include the name of OSC and a general description of the Data. No confidential Information will be included in this release.


19.1 As required by subsection 8(2) of the Act, this Mandatory Request has been published on the Statistics Canada website at

19.2 As required by subsection 8(3) of the Act, the Minister was notified of this new Mandatory Request on August 19th, 2022.

[Signature page to follow]

This Agreement has been signed by the Parties on the dates indicated below.


"Jennifer Withington"Jennifer Withington
Assistant Chief Statistician,
Economic Statistics
Print Name
DATED at Ottawa, Province of Ontario, this 17th day of January, 2025.
(Month) (Year)


"Grant Vingoe"Grant Vingoe
Chief Executive OfficerPrint Name
DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 13th day of February, 2025.
(Month) (Year)


Definitions in addition to those definitions found in subsection 1.1 of this Agreement:

"Authorized Person" means an individual who is an employee or a Deemed Employee of Statistics Canada, having taken and subscribed the oath or solemn affirmation of office set out in subsection 6(1) of the Act and having been granted "Reliability" security status, as defined by the Federal Policy on Government Security.

"Identified Person" means an Authorized Person whose current work-related responsibilities require access to the Information.

"Logical Access Controls" means the process of enforcing proper identification, authentication and accountability with respect to access to a computer system, based on the latest information technology (IT) security guidance. These include:

• individual user accounts;

• complex passwords (eight (8) characters minimum, lower and upper case, numbers, special characters);

• access-based on role (privileged vs. non-privileged); and

• auditing.

"System" means a single IT-related device, a component of such a device or a group of IT-related devices that may be used to receive, store, process or transmit information. This includes, but is not limited to, personal computers, servers, laptops, tablets, smart phones, virtual computers and cloud based virtual systems.

"Visitor" means an individual, other than an Authorized Person, who has been invited into the secure area by an Authorized Person, as permitted by Statistics Canada's access policies.

Security Requirements

Statistics Canada is required to protect the Information in accordance with the Federal Policy on Government Security. As such, Statistics Canada ensures that physical measures in accordance with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police specifications and that IT measures in accordance with the Communications Security Establishment Canada specifications are respected. The security requirements described below are the minimum requirements that will be met by Statistics Canada.

Physical Access

1. The Information must be accessed within a secure location where the Identified Person can ensure the security of the information at all times.

2. Access to the Information is limited to Identified Persons.

3. Escorted Visitors may access the secure area. However, under no circumstances may Visitors be permitted to access the Information.

IT Storage and Transmission

4. All Systems with access to the Information must employ Logical Access Controls at the device and network level.

5. All Systems must have functional and current antivirus software.

6. The Information cannot be electronically transmitted, except as described in points 7 and 8. Electronic transmission includes, without being limited to, transmittal of the Information by facsimile or by e-mail.

7. Servers storing and transmitting unencrypted data, where used, must be located in a secure, controlled-access area, preferably in the same area where the Information is accessed. If located in a separate area, controls must be in place to ensure that only Identified Persons can access the server. Unless the Information is encrypted continuously while outside the secure area, a conduit must be used for all cabling and all cross-connect areas must be physically secured.

8. Network firewall and access rules are in place to prevent access to the Information by non-Identified Persons. Network firewall rules must also be in place such that no system processing the Information can be accessed at the network layer by a system outside of the secure area. Information may be stored on and transmitted over networks not meeting these requirements, provided that it is encrypted, except when at rest and in use by an Identified Person. Alternatively, the Information may be stored on a stand-alone computer in a secure area with no external connections, or on a closed network within the secure area. When the network transmits information that leaves a secure area (for example, when a series of buildings house employees), the Information will be encrypted whenever it is outside the secure area.

Physical Storage

9. The Information shall not be removed from the secure area (as described in point 1, above) in any format, except in accordance with section 7 of this Agreement, and as described in points 7 and 8 above.

10. When not in use, printed documents containing the Information must always be stored in secure containers.

Information Copying and Retention & Record Management

11. Copies and extracts of the Information may only be made for the purposes of carrying out work as covered by this Agreement. When no longer needed, any such copies or extracts must be destroyed in a secure manner (as per points 12 and 13 below).

12. Paper documents containing the Information must be destroyed (shredded) in a secure manner before disposal.

13. All electronic storage media used in the processing of the Information, including all back-up, photocopiers and other electronic media where the information has been electronically stored will be sanitized or destroyed when disposing of such media or when return or destruction of the Data is required pursuant to section 12 of this Agreement. Any destruction will occur within the secure area.

These security requirements reflect the minimum requirements applicable to all data files held by Statistics Canada pursuant to the Act and are communicated to all employees and Deemed employees prior to them accessing any confidential data.


The purpose of Statistics Canada's Mandatory Request is to acquire information from the OSC to improve the breadth and depth of statistical information for the purpose of publishing enhanced national accounts statistics through the Financial and Wealth Accounts and related programs.

The OSC will provide the following Data to Statistics Canada:

Regulatory Financial InformationNote
1. Crypto Asset Trading Platform DataSee appendix B1
2. Investment Fund Survey DataSee appendix B2


The purpose of Statistics Canada's Mandatory Request is to acquire crypto asset data collected by the OSC as part of its regulatory oversight as securities regulator in the province of Ontario. This information will be used to ensure a more comprehensive coverage of this new asset class within the Financial and Wealth Accounts and help identify emerging vulnerabilities related to adoption of and investment in crypto assets.

To the extent such information is available, the OSC will provide the following information to Statistics Canada:

• Aggregate reporting of CTP activity. This will include, but not be limited to, the variables in the table below:

Number of Client Accounts opened each month in the quarter
Number of Client Accounts frozen or closed each month in the quarter
Number of trades each month in the quarter
Average value of the trades in each month in the quarter
Number of Client Accounts at the end of each month in the quarter
Number of Client Accounts with no trades during the quarter
Number of Client Accounts that have not been funded at the end of each month in the quarter
Number of Client Accounts that hold a positive amount of Crypto Assets at end of each month in the quarter

• Account-level crypto asset information on quantities of crypto assets bought per account, quantities of crypto assets sold per account, gains and losses incurred per account , and outstanding balances of crypto assets held per account. This will include, but not be limited to, the variables in the table below.

Unique CTP IdentifierThe NRD number that identifies the entity for which the submitted data relates.
Report YearThe calendar year represented by the submitted data.
Report QuarterThe calendar quarter represented by the submitted data.
Submission DateThe date on which the data contained in this submission is sent to the CSA.
JurisdictionJurisdiction where client is located.
Account Open DateDate the account was opened and approved to trade.
Cumulative Realized Gains/LossesCumulative Realized Gains/Losses since the account was opened as of the end of the reporting period.
Unrealized Gains/LossesUnrealized Realized Gains/Losses since the account was opened as of the end of the reporting period.
Digital Token IdentifierAlphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the digital token held in the account.
Quantity BoughtNumber of units of the digital token bought in the account during the reporting period.
Number of Buy TransactionsNumber of transactions associated with the quantity bought during the reporting period.
Quantity SoldNumber of units of the digital token sold in the account during the reporting period.
Number of Sell TransactionsNumber of transactions associated with the quantity sold during the reporting period.
Quantity transferred InNumber of units of the digital token transferred in to the account during the reporting period.
Number of Transactions from Transfers InNumber of transactions associated with the quantity transferred in during the reporting period.
Quantity Transferred OutNumber of units of the digital token transferred out of the account during the reporting period.
Number of Transactions from Transfers OutNumber of transactions associated with the quantity transferred out during the reporting period.
Quantity HeldNumber of units of the digital token held in the account as of the end of the reporting period.
Value of Digital Token HeldValue of the digital token held as of the end of the reporting period rounded to the nearest dollar in CAD.
Client LimitThe Client Limit established on each account.
Client Limit TypeThe type of limit as reported in (18).

Additional Details

• Granularity -- at the level of collection entity (i.e., crypto asset trading platform or CTP) as well as aggregate reporting level.

• Completeness -- all statistically relevant fields available as part of OSC's data collection.

• Frequency and timing -- The OSC will aim to provide ongoing data within 30 days of receipt starting March 2025.

• Format -- comma separate values file or other suitable machine-readable format containing the relevant reference periods.

Additional Supporting Documentation

If available, the OSC will provide associated metadata (such as a data dictionary or codebook), to define and describe the structure and meaning of the information provided and the context and systems in which they were originally collected.


The purpose of Statistics Canada's Mandatory Request is to acquire fund data collected by the Ontario Securities Commission as part of its mandate as securities regulator in the province of Ontario. This information will be used to ensure a more comprehensive coverage of funds and their associated holdings within the Financial and Wealth Accounts and help improve estimates of household wealth, which is a key consideration in determining financial risk. Additionally, this information will provide an indirect source of data on fund types that will help ensure broader coverage of the associated fees and expenses, currently captured as part of household consumption within gross domestic product.

The OSC will provide the following fund information to Statistics Canada:

• Information on fund data at a fund-by-fund level including fund characteristics such as the fund type, fund code, and inception date, holdings (assets) and liabilities, and ownership type. This will include, but not be limited to, the following variables and sections:

Fund name
Fund code
Fund class
Fund type
Inception date
Fund domicile
Net assets
Fees, expenses & taxes
Gross sales
Unitholder distributions
Other net flows (outflows)
Asset Class
Borrowing & Lending
Ownership Type

Additional Details

• Granularity -- fund-level data for all funds.

• Completeness -- all statistically relevant fields collected as part of OSC's Investment Fund Survey, excluding reporting currency.

• Units -- all dollar amounts will be reported in Canadian dollars.

• Frequency and timing -- ongoing data provided by August 1 at the latest for most recent reference year as well as revised prior years, starting in 2025.

• Format -- comma separate values file or other suitable machine-readable format containing all reference periods to date.

Additional Supporting Documentation

If available, the OSC will provide associated metadata (such as a data dictionary or codebook), to define and describe the structure and meaning of the information provided and the context and systems in which they were originally collected.

Contact Information

Greg Toczylowski
Manager, Trading & Markets – Derivatives
Ontario Securities Commission
[email protected]