Individuals or companies with unpaid OSC sanctions

The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) identifies, in the list below, individuals or companies with unpaid administrative  penalties, disgorgement orders and costs, and any applicable interest, ordered against them in enforcement proceedings. Individuals or companies who have monetary sanctions against them may also have conduct bans such as trading bans and bans on acting as a director or officer of a public company. This information, if applicable, is included in the Commission order.

This list is updated quarterly.

When will an individual or company be added to this list?

Generally speaking, an individual or company who does not pay the full amount of the monetary sanctions ordered against them will be placed on this list no earlier than 30 days after the relevant Commission order is issued, unless an appeal has been filed. However, there are other situations which may affect this, such as:

  • if the Commission order contains a specific provision for date of payment, placement on the list will occur no earlier than 30 days after that date
  • if a settlement agreement expressly provides for a date for payment, placement on the list will occur no earlier than 30 days from the date in the agreement
  • if a settlement order is silent as to payment date, placement on the list will occur no earlier than 30 days from the date of the Commission order approving the settlement
  • if a Commission order or a settlement agreement stipulates dates that recurring payments are to be made by, and a payment is not made in accordance with that schedule, placement on the list will occur no earlier than 30 days from the date the payment was due

Please note: amounts owing to the OSC in proceedings that are subject to ongoing litigation or outstanding appeals or costs owing to the Commission that were imposed by courts in Ontario are not included in the list.

Respondents with requests to update or correct information should contact the OSC.

Delinquent Respondents

Results 361 - 380 of 462
Related order
Amount owing individually
Amount owing jointly
Amount outstanding
Shallow Oil & Gas Inc.
(Shallow Oil & Gas Inc., Eric O’Brien, Abel Da Silva and Abraham Herbert Grossman also known as Allen Grossman)
Sherman, Adam
Sherman, Adam
Sherman, Adam
Shiff, Andrew
(Global Energy Group, Ltd., Vadim Tsatskin, Andrew Shiff)
Shuman, Alan Marsh
Simba, Muchoki Fungai (aka Henderson MacDonald Alexander Butcher)
Related Order
Simba (Re)
Simply Wealth Financial Group Inc
(Simply Wealth Financial Group Inc., Naida Allarde, Bernardo Giangrosso)
Simpson, David
Related Order
Cornwall (Re)
(David Simpson and First Financial Services)
Singh, Ron Deonarine
(New Found Freedom Financial, Singh, Ron Deonarine, Martinez, Wayne Gerard)
Smith, Adrion
Related Order
Ground Wealth Inc (Re)
Smith, Clayton
Related Order
Smith (Re)
Smith, Dale
(John Xanthoudakis and Dale Smith)
Smith, Shane (Re: Borealis et al.)
(Shane Smith, David Prentice and Synergy Group (2000) Inc.)
Smith, Shane (Re: Sabourin et al.)
Related Order
Sabourin (Re)
Smith, Vernon
Related Order
Xi Biofuels Inc (Re)
Smith, Willoughby
(1778445 Ontario Inc. And Willoughby Smith)
Solar Income Fund Inc.
(Allan Grossman and Solar Income Fund Inc.)
Somin Holdings Inc.
(International Strategic Investments, International Strategic Investments Inc., Somin Holdings Inc., And Nazim Gillani)
Spork, Natalie