ERRATA – Material Amendments to CDS Procedures – Extenders of Credit and Settlement Agent Category Credit Rings – CDS Clearing and Depository Services Inc.

Market Regulation Document Type
Canadian Depository for Securities Limited (CDS) rule review


The notice AMENDMENTS RELATED TO THE EXTENDERS OF CREDIT AND SETTLEMENT AGENTS CATEGORY CREDIT RINGS (the “Notice”), which was published for public comment on the OSC and AMF websites on November 20, 2014, states that procedural amendments were made to both the Extenders of Credit and the Settlement Agent Category Credit Rings.

CDS would like to clarify that the proposed procedural amendments do not affect the Extenders of Credit Category Credit Ring. References to the Extenders of Credit Category Credit Ring should not have been included in the notice.

Procedural changes impacting the Extenders of Credit Category Credit Ring, will be addressed as they emerge under a separate amendment notice at a later date.
Note that this notice of correction applies only to the text of the Notice, not the text of the CDS Procedures being amended, which remains unchanged.

The public comment period for the Notice remains December 19, 2014.

Subject to regulatory approval, CDS still intends to implement the Amendments on December 31, 2014. Please refer to the original Notice published on the OSC and AMF websites for further details on how to comment.