Request for Comment – Republication of Proposed Amendments Relating to Futures Segregation and Portability Customer Protection Regime – Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC)
IIROC is republishing for comment revisions to the previously proposed amendments to the IIROC Rules (Proposed Amendments) relating to the futures segregation and portability customer protection regime. The Proposed Amendments are required to align IIROC requirements with expected rule changes at the Canadian Derivatives Clearing Corporation (CDCC). CDCC is proposing a new customer protection segregation and portability regime (Seg and Port) to comply with international standards. IIROC initially published proposed amendments to the IIROC Rules and Form 1 based on CDCC’s proposed Seg and Port regime on July 8, 2021 in IIROC Rules Notice 21-0113.
The objective of the Proposed Amendments for republication is to supplement and clarify the proposed amendments published in July 2021. The Proposed Amendments include requirements that are intended to increase the likelihood of portability for client futures positions within the Seg and Port regime.
A copy of the IIROC Notice, including the text of the proposed amendments, is also published on our website at The comment period will end on May 24, 2022.