Housekeeping Amendment to MFDA Internal Control Policy Statements – Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA)
Current Requirement
MFDA Internal Control Policy Statements prescribe requirements for and provide guidance on compliance with MFDA Rule 2.9, which requires that Members establish and maintain internal controls as prescribed by the Corporation from time to time.
Reasons for Amendment
The MFDA has issued several "Policies" which set out minimum standards that expand on prescriptive requirements that Members are required to comply with. For consistency of reference with other MFDA Policies and to avoid Member confusion, the MFDA Internal Control Policy Statements will be collectively renamed "MFDA Policy No.4 - Internal Control Policy Statements".
Description of Amendment
The amendment will change the current name of the Internal Control Policy Statements to "MFDA Policy No.4 - Internal Control Policy Statements". The amendment is housekeeping in nature in that it is intended to provide consistency of reference with other MFDA Policies.
Effective Date
The amended Rule will be effective on a date to be subsequently determined by the MFDA.
On September 14, 2005, the Board of Directors of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada made and enacted the following housekeeping amendment to the MFDA Internal Control Policy Statements:
1. MFDA Internal Control Policy Statement 1 (General Matters); MFDA Internal Control Policy Statement 2 (Capital Adequacy); MFDA Internal Control Policy Statement 3 (Insurance); MFDA Internal Control Policy Statement 4 (Cash and Securities); and MFDA Internal Control Policy Statement 5 (Segregation of Clients' Securities) will be designated as "MFDA Policy No. 4 – Internal Control Policy Statements".