OSC Staff Notice of Request for Comment – Proposed Amendments to MFDA Rule 5.3.2 (Content of Account Statement) – Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA)
The MFDA is publishing for public comment proposed amendments to MFDA Rule 5.3.2 (Content of Account Statement). The proposed amendments would require Members to disclose to clients, on the account statement, that they are Members of, and regulated by, the MFDA. The intent of the proposed amendments is to promote client awareness of the regulatory oversight exercised by the MFDA with respect to MFDA Members and their Approved Persons. The proposed amendments would also complement required account statement disclosure respecting MFDA Investor Protection Corporation ("IPC") coverage.
A copy of the MFDA Notice including the amended documents is also published on our website at http://www.osc.gov.on.ca. The comment period ends on September 16, 2015.