Request for Comment – Proposed Amendments to MFDA Policy No. 9 Continuing Education (CE) Requirements – Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA)
The MFDA is publishing for public comment proposed amendments to MFDA Policy No. 9 Continuing Education (CE) Requirements. The amendments intend to establish the MFDA’s CE accreditation process including:
- the entities that can be recognized as accreditors to assess CE activities;
- the criteria which accreditors must use to evaluate CE activities; and
- CE eligibility periods.
A copy of the MFDA Notice is published on our website at The comment period ends on August 10, 2020.
As a reminder, on September 26, 2019, the Ontario Securities Commission approved MFDA Rules 1.2 (Definitions) and 1.2.6 (Continuing Education), and MFDA Policy No. 9 Continuing Education (CE) Requirements. The rules and policy establish CE requirements for MFDA Members and their Approved Persons. They also establish minimum standards for complying with such requirements, which will further assist Approved Persons in maintaining high standards of professionalism and keeping their industry knowledge current. The rules and policy will be effective on a date to be subsequently determined by the MFDA. The Notice of Commission Approval is published on our website at