Andre Moniz to speak at The Canadian Institute
07, 2018
09:50 am
Old Mill, Toronto, ON
Event Details
Conducting Internal Investigations: Focus on Whistleblowing
What is it about?
Handling Concerns Raised by Whistleblowers
- Who are whistleblowers and what are the whistleblower myths
- Canadian whistleblower laws and what protection they really offer for whistleblowers
- Best practices from other countries, and how elements of these can be applied in Canada
- Key strategies for working with and protecting whistleblowers in your investigations
OSC’s Whistleblower Program: What You Need to Know
- Overview of the OSC’s Whistleblower Program: experience to date
- Key features and protections of the Program
- Financial incentives and whistleblower protections
- Organizational preparedness and targeted enterprise risk management
Event Image