Hot Topics in Continuous Disclosure and Prospectus Filings: What SME issuers need to know
05, 2020
01:30 pm
03:00 pm
Event Details
This seminar will review new issues and discuss common errors that arise in the context of prospectus filings and will discuss deficiencies commonly noted by staff in continuous disclosure filings.
Some key topics will include:
- Financial condition concerns in the context of prospectus filings
- Updates on emerging market issues
- Forward-looking information disclosure expectations
- MD&A common deficiencies
Who Should Attend:
- CEOs and CFOs of SMEs
- Preparers of financial statements and MD&A
- Directors of SMEs
- In-house or external legal counsel
- Advisors to companies
Why You Should Attend:
- To understand certain specific disclosure requirements and common disclosure errors noted in prospectus filings
- To understand important ongoing securities requirements in order to prepare quality continuous disclosure documentation
- To keep abreast of new topics
- To be aware of and avoid common filing deficiencies
Presentation Documents:
Event Image