Hot Topics in Continuous Disclosure: What SME issuers need to know
This seminar will review new issues and discuss errors commonly seen by staff as reporting issuers prepare their annual continuous disclosure filings pursuant to National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations (NI 51-102). The seminar will look at relevant topics in continuous disclosure, including:
Overview of CD review process (including the most recent CSA CD review program report) and related refilings
Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) issues
Non-GAAP measures (e.g., proposed National Instrument 52-112)
Climate change update (e.g., CSA Staff Notice 51-354)
Mining disclosure issues
Cannabis update (e.g., CSA Staff Notice 51-357)
M&A matters (e.g., related party transactions)
Other key SME takeaways from Corporate Finance branch report
Reducing regulatory burden initiatives affecting continuous disclosure
Who should attend:
Preparers of financial statements and MD&A
In-house or external legal counsel
Advisors to companies
Why You Should Attend:
To understand important ongoing securities requirements in order to prepare quality continuous disclosure documentation
To keep abreast of new topics
To be aware of common filing deficiencies so you can avoid them
To hear directly from OSC staff on best practices for working with the OSC on continuous disclosure issues
Private companies considering going public would also find it helpful to learn about the ongoing requirements when you become a public company
Presentation Documents