The ONE Conference 2018
Moderator: Gord Beal, Vice President, Research, Guidance and Support, CPA Canada
Panelists: Cameron McInnis, Chief Accountant, Ontario Securities Commission; Malcolm Gilmour, Vice President Inspections, Canadian Public Accountability Board; Blair Cook, Chief Financial Officer, Horizon Maritime
What it means • Why it matters • How to get it
They say a rose is a rose is a rose.
But what about an external audit of your business? Unlike sugar, wheat, or coffee beans, audits are not a commodity — and they’re not created equal. They can differ in their quality.
In recent years, the turbulent events of the global financial crisis have dramatically highlighted the importance of credible, high-quality financial reporting and auditing. And the issue of audit quality has been emerging rapidly, as constant changes from regulatory and standards-setting bodies to improve audit quality have become the norm.
During this session we will explore what is audit quality and if it differs from quality audits. We will discuss who has the primary responsibility for quality audits - External Auditors, Management, Those Charged with Governance, Regulators or Users. We will discuss what are the challenges with audit quality and how to overcome these challenges? Lastly, we will discuss how to measure a quality audit.
Cameron McInnis ; Gordon Beal, CPA, CA, M.Ed. ; Malcolm Gilmour ; Blair Cook