OSC Chair Maureen Jensen speaks at the International Women's Forum Canada Conference
09, 2016
02:30 pm
06:00 pm
Park Hyatt Hotel
Event Details
Maureen Jensen provides an update on the status of the new ‘comply or explain’ disclosure rules on gender diversity. She is followed by a panel of seasoned corporate directors, who address issues and challenges they faced in being effective directors.
Panellists Include:
- Mary-Ann Bell (Corporate Director, Cogeco Inc., Valener Inc., Cominar REIT and NAV Canada)
- Beth Horowitz (Former President & CEO, Amex Bank of Canada)
- Sherry Porter (Chair, Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation)
- Sarah Raiss (Corporate Director, Loblaw Companies, Commercial Metals and Vermilion Energy)
- Pauline Couture (Senior communications strategist and consultant) - Moderator
Event Image