OSC in the Community (Telephone town hall)
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) is raising awareness of financial elder abuse and exploitation through several education and outreach activities in June. Informed by the OSC Seniors Strategy, the OSC is partnering with community organizations to promote prevention strategies and provide adult children and caregivers with the knowledge on how to recognize and respond to the signs of financial abuse.
On June 9, the OSC will host a seniors-focused telephone townhall on protecting Ontarians’ investments from fraud and abuse. Ontarians are also encouraged to sign-up for the Investor News newsletter, download the Personal Information Inventory document and access other resources on GetSmarterAboutMoney.ca.
Telephone townhalls are a way for the OSC's Investor Office to connect with thousands of Ontarians at a time, in the comfort of their own home. Telephone townhalls work much like a call-in radio show where OSC staff provide information, answer questions and conduct live polls over the course of one hour. OSC staff will be speaking about fraud prevention and making more informed financial decisions.