OSC Dialogue: Regulating with Purpose
We are excited to offer OSC Dialogue once again as an in-person event, on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
As market players navigate a starkly different macroeconomic environment, geopolitical threats, and shifting investor demands, regulation plays a critical role in fostering stability and confidence. The OSC is facing this challenge, and forging ahead, with an expanded mandate and novel structure.
Please join us as we convene business leaders, senior regulators, and international policy experts to discuss the path forward amid the risks and opportunities posed by fast-evolving capital markets.
Visit OSC Dialogue 2023: Regulating with Purpose for full event details including the agenda and list of speakers.
Registration is now closed
Thank you for your interest in OSC Dialogue 2023: Regulating with Purpose.
At this time, registration for the event has reached capacity. If you would like to be placed on our wait list or have any questions please email: