Pat Chaukos and Tim Moseley to speak at SecOps North America conference
Canadian regulators and major banks are grappling with the sudden growth in crypto currencies, initial coin offerings (ICO) and financial instruments that rely on virtual currencies. While Canadian regulators, other authorities, exchanges and institutions have been aware of crypto currencies, they are now paying closer attention to what has turned into a phenomenon. As regulators mull new rules and enforcement matters, major banks are implementing or exploring bans upon the usage of virtual currencies. At the same time, advocates of crypto currencies are pressing for realistic regulation that will not hinder the growth of a market generating a lot of excitement.
This panel will explore the dynamics and the implications of the crypto currency craze.
- Where are the Canadian authorities doing as far as new regulations for crypto currency transactions?
- Will Canadian regulators be working in conjunction with the SEC, CFTC and FINRA?
- How should financial services firms react to ICOs and the companies that come from them?
- What kinds of trading protections should financial services firms put in place now before any new regulation?
- Should financial services firms rewrite their policies to accommodate crypto currencies, new forms of money laundering and terrorist financing?
Moderator: Tim Moseley, Vice Chair, Ontario Securities Commission
Panelists: Stuart Davis, Chief Anti-Money LaunderingOfficer, BMO Financial Group
Kerri-Ann Bent, Americas Head of Sanctions, Corporate and Investment Bank, Barclays
Peter Conroy, President, Shorcan Brokers Limited; TMX Group Inc.
Pat Chaukos, Deputy Director | OSC LaunchPad | Policy, Ontario Securities Commission