Report of Exempt Distribution: How to complete it, when to file it, what to avoid, and what’s new
This seminar will review the report of exempt distribution (i.e. Form 45-106F1) from the perspectives of how to complete it, when to file it, what to avoid and what’s new. We will discuss a number of topics, including:
Timing requirements (45-106F1)
Late fees
How to file
(NEW) Distributions outside Canada – The 72-503F
(NEW) Key changes to the 45-106F1
Save draft function / amendments
Activity fees
Offering memorandum (OM) exemption (s.2.9) / related requirements
Electronic filing portal (general submissions)
Common form compliance errors
Technical difficulties
Additional resources
Who should attend:
Law clerks and filing agents of reporting issuers
General counsel of reporting issuers
Junior legal counsel and other advisors
Why You Should Attend:
To understand securities regulatory timing and filing procedures
To be aware of common administrative errors so you can avoid them
To hear directly from OSC staff on best practices for engaging with staff on procedural and administrative issues
Presentation Documents: