OSC Investor Office Launches Multi-lingual Website for Investor Education Month
For Immediate Release OSC
TORONTO – The Ontario Securities Commission’s (OSC) Investor Office today kicked off Investor Education Month by launching InvestingIntroduction.ca, a new website that provides investing resources in 19 languages.
InvestingIntroduction.ca provides unbiased information on investing topics like preventing investment fraud, checking registration of an advisor and firm, and asking a question or making a complaint to the OSC. The website was created in recognition of changing demographics in Ontario, and to better engage communities that speak languages other than English or French.
“Educating and protecting investors who are potentially vulnerable are priorities for the OSC,” said Tyler Fleming, Director of the Investor Office. “It’s important that investors have access to the information they need to better protect themselves against fraud, regardless of which language they speak. We ask investors and other stakeholders to please share this new website with any individual or organization who they think might benefit from this information.”
October is Investor Education Month. Throughout the month, the OSC will be engaging with investors who speak a variety of different languages and promoting InvestingIntroduction.ca to community and cultural groups across Ontario.
The mandate of the OSC is to provide protection to investors from unfair, improper or fraudulent practices and to foster fair and efficient capital markets and confidence in the capital markets.