Changes to National Policy 12-202 Revocation of Certain Cease Trade Orders
Changes to National Policy 12-202 Revocation of Certain Cease Trade Orders
1. National Policy 12-202 Revocation of Certain Cease Trade Orders is changed by this Document.
2. Section 2 is changed by
(a) deleting the definition of "SEDAR", and
(b) adding the following definition:
"SEDAR+" means System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval +;.
3. The Policy is changed by adding the following section:
4.1. Electronic transmission -- National Instrument 13-103 System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval + (SEDAR+) prescribes that each document that is required or permitted to be provided to a securities regulatory authority or regulator must be transmitted to the securities regulatory authority or regulator electronically through the System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval + (SEDAR+).
The reference to a document includes any report, form, application, information, material and notice, as well as a copy thereof, and applies to documents that are required or permitted to be filed or deposited with, or delivered, furnished, sent, provided, submitted or otherwise transmitted to, a securities regulatory authority or regulator.
To reflect the phased implementation of SEDAR+, the Appendix of National Instrument 13-103 System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval + (SEDAR+) sets out securities legislation under which documents are excluded from being filed or delivered in SEDAR+.
National Instrument 13-103 System for Electronic Data Analysis and Retrieval + (SEDAR+) should be consulted when providing any document to a securities regulatory authority or regulator under this policy.
4. Section 9 is changed by replacing "to hold an annual meeting requirement" with "to hold an annual meeting".
5. Paragraph 14(2)(f) is changed by replacing "SEDAR" with "SEDAR+".
Effective Date
6. These changes become effective on June 9, 2023.