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Register today! OSC Dialogue takes place on April 24, 2025
Main navigation
Registration and compliance
Getting registered
Ongoing requirements
Changes to registration
Opportunity to be heard and Director’s decisions
Applying for relief
Registrant Outreach program
Registrant search
Registration forms and documents
Working with older and vulnerable clients
Registered crypto asset trading platforms
Market regulation
Self-regulatory organizations (SRO)
Clearing agencies and clearing houses
Investor protection funds
Information processors
Trade repositories
Market structure initiatives
Innovation at the OSC
Data reporting requirements for derivatives in Ontario and trade repository designation
Legal entity identifiers
CORRA/Term CORRA-based OTC derivatives trend analysis
Selling securities in Ontario
Continuous disclosure
Resources for companies
Industry-specific disclosure requirements
Insider reporting
Mergers and acquisitions
Filing guidance
Information on IFRS
Issuer-related instruments, policies and notices
Reporting issuer and issuer forms
Applying for discretionary relief
Designated benchmarks and benchmark administrators
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Investment funds
Types of investment funds
Prospectus offerings for investment funds in Ontario
Operating an investment fund in Ontario
Ongoing disclosure requirements for investment funds in Ontario
Marketing and sales of investment funds
Investment Management Brief
Investment fund survey
Securities law
Legislative reviews
Blanket orders
Instruments, rules and policies
1 - Procedure and Related Matters
2 - Certain Capital Market Participants
3 - Registration Requirements and Related Matters
4 - Distribution Requirements
5 - Ongoing Requirements for Issuers and Insiders
6 - Take-Over Bids and Special Transactions
7 - Securities Transactions Outside the Jurisdiction
8 - Investment Funds
9 - Derivatives
Documents not numbered
Securities rule-making in Ontario
Delegation orders
Proposed instruments, rules and policies
OSC Bulletin
Orders, rulings and decisions
Filing documents online
Registration forms and documents
Reporting issuer and issuer forms
Investor protection
The OBSI Joint Regulators Committee
Check before you invest
Investor resources
OSC in the Community
Investor research and reports
Investor Advisory Panel
Members of the Investor Advisory Panel
Investor Advisory Panel meeting agendas
Investor Advisory Panel notices and information
Submissions by the Investor Advisory Panel
Investor warnings and alerts
Court proceedings
OSC Whistleblower Program
Award eligibility and process
Whistleblower protections
Submit a whistleblower report
Update on the OSC Whistleblower Program 2016 to 2022
Allocation and use of funds from sanctions and settlements
Individuals or companies with unpaid OSC sanctions
Investigation resources
Cease trade and freeze orders
Automatically reciprocated orders and settlement agreements
Mediation program
OSC QuadrigaCX report
QuadrigaCX investigative report
News & events
News releases
Connect with us
Speeches and interviews
OSC Dialogue
OSC Dialogue 2025: Future Ready
OSC Guide
Reports and publications
COVID-19 updates
Media resources
About us
Role of the OSC
Our structure
OSC Strategic Plan
OSC organization and leadership
Advisory committees
Careers at the OSC
Working at the OSC
Student employment opportunities
Applying for a job with the OSC
Board Directors
Board committees
Contact us
Accessing OSC records
OSC Annual Report
OSC Statement of Priorities
OSC Business Plan
OSC Service Commitment
Expense disclosure
Open Data
Open Data feedback form
Domestic and international engagement
Domestic engagement
International engagement
Visits from foreign delegations
Comment Letters for Notice of Proposed National Instrument: NI - 55-102 - System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI)
Securities law
Instruments, rules and policies
5 - Ongoing Requirements for Issuers and Insiders
Notice of Proposed National Instrument: NI - 55-102 - System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI)
Comment Letters for Notice of Proposed National Instrument: NI - 55-102 - System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI)
Component Menu Left Sidebar
Securities law
Instruments, rules and policies
Proposed instruments, rules and policies
Orders, rulings and decisions
Blanket orders
Delegation orders
OSC Bulletin
Filing documents online
Comments Received (comment period due September 14, 2000 )
Comment Letters
November 14, 2000
Edward Johnson (Power Corporation of Canada)
Document opens in new tab
September 19, 2000
Shameela Abbas (Canadian Bankers Association)
Document opens in new tab
September 18, 2000
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt
Document opens in new tab
September 14, 2000
Nigel Blumenthal (Bridgeway Software Canada Inc.)
Document opens in new tab
September 13, 2000
Blair B. Morrison (Nortel Networks)
Document opens in new tab
September 7, 2000
John A. Halse (Security Transfer Association of Canada)
Document opens in new tab
August 30, 2000
Rosemary B. Regan (TD Bank Financial Group)
Document opens in new tab
July 17, 2000
Gail Sharp (International NorthAir Mines Ltd.)
Document opens in new tab
July 12, 2000
Carl R. Jonsson (Tupper Jonsson & Yeadon )
Document opens in new tab
Main navigation mobile
Registration and compliance
Registration and compliance
Getting registered
Getting registered
How to register a firm
How to register an individual
Ongoing requirements
Ongoing requirements
Business conduct requirements
Compliance system
Compliance-related reports, staff notices and email notifications
Financial requirements
OSC compliance reviews
Updating registration information
Changes to registration
Changes to registration
Changing registration categories or jurisdictions
Registration terms and conditions
Surrendering registration
Suspending, reinstating and revoking registration
Transferring registration to another firm
Opportunity to be heard and Director’s decisions
Applying for relief
Registrant Outreach program
Registrant Outreach program
Topical Guide for Registrants
Registrant search
Registrant search
Registered Firms List
Registration forms and documents
Registration forms and documents
Participation fees
Activity fees
Late fees
National Registration Database (NRD) fees
Working with older and vulnerable clients
Registered crypto asset trading platforms
Innovation at the OSC
Selling securities in Ontario
Selling securities in Ontario
Pre-filing a prospectus with the OSC
Filing a prospectus in Ontario
Prospectus marketing rules
Acquisition disclosure when filing a prospectus
Other prospectus matters
The exempt market
The exempt market
Exempt Distributions Summary
Ontario Exempt Market Dashboard
Continuous disclosure
Resources for companies
Industry-specific disclosure requirements
Industry-specific disclosure requirements
Specific disclosure requirements for mining and oil and gas companies
Canadian cannabis industry disclosure requirements
Insider reporting
Mergers and acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions
Take-over bids and issuer bids
Conflict of interest transactions
Take-over bid defensive tactics
Early warning system and alternative monthly reporting system
Filing guidance
Information on IFRS
Information on IFRS
Guidelines for Requests for Consultations with the Office of the Chief Accountant
Issuer-related instruments, policies and notices
Reporting issuer and issuer forms
Reporting issuer and issuer forms
Filing due dates calendar for annual and interim filings by reporting issuers
Form 45-106F1 - Report of Exempt Distribution
Applying for discretionary relief
Designated benchmarks and benchmark administrators
Investment funds
Investment funds
Types of investment funds
Prospectus offerings for investment funds in Ontario
Operating an investment fund in Ontario
Ongoing disclosure requirements for investment funds in Ontario
Marketing and sales of investment funds
Investment Management Brief
Investment fund survey
Investment fund survey
Investment Fund Survey data
Market regulation
Market regulation
Self-regulatory organizations (SRO)
Self-regulatory organizations (SRO)
Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO)
Predecessor self-regulatory organizations
Predecessor self-regulatory organizations
Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC)
Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA)
Recognized exchanges
Exempt exchanges
Swap Execution Facilities and Multilateral Trading Facilities
Alternative trading systems (ATSs)
Alternative trading systems (ATSs)
ATSs operating in Ontario
Clearing agencies and clearing houses
Clearing agencies and clearing houses
Recognized clearing agencies
Exempted clearing agencies
Investor protection funds
Investor protection funds
Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF)
Predecessor investor protection funds
Predecessor investor protection funds
Former Canadian Investor Protection Fund (former CIPF)
MFDA Investor Protection Corporation (MFDA IPC)
Information processors
Trade repositories
Market structure initiatives
Data reporting requirements for derivatives in Ontario and trade repository designation
Legal entity identifiers
CORRA/Term CORRA-based OTC derivatives trend analysis
Artificial intelligence (AI)
Securities law
Securities law
Legislative reviews
Instruments, rules and policies
Instruments, rules and policies
1 - Procedure and Related Matters
2 - Certain Capital Market Participants
3 - Registration Requirements and Related Matters
4 - Distribution Requirements
5 - Ongoing Requirements for Issuers and Insiders
6 - Take-Over Bids and Special Transactions
7 - Securities Transactions Outside the Jurisdiction
8 - Investment Funds
9 - Derivatives
Documents not numbered
Securities rule-making in Ontario
Proposed instruments, rules and policies
Orders, rulings and decisions
Blanket orders
Delegation orders
OSC Bulletin
Filing documents online
Filing documents online
Registration forms and documents
Reporting issuer and issuer forms
Investor protection
Investor protection
The OBSI Joint Regulators Committee
Investor resources
Investor research and reports
Investor warnings and alerts
Check before you invest
OSC in the Community
Investor Advisory Panel
Investor Advisory Panel
Members of the Investor Advisory Panel
Investor Advisory Panel meeting agendas
Investor Advisory Panel notices and information
Submissions by the Investor Advisory Panel
Court proceedings
Allocation and use of funds from sanctions and settlements
Allocation and use of funds from sanctions and settlements
Current distributions of funds from sanctions and settlements
Individuals or companies with unpaid OSC sanctions
Cease trade and freeze orders
Mediation program
OSC Whistleblower Program
OSC Whistleblower Program
Award eligibility and process
Whistleblower protections
Submit a whistleblower report
Submit a whistleblower report
Submission guide
Technical support for submitting a Whistleblower report
Update on the OSC Whistleblower Program 2016 to 2022
Investigation resources
Automatically reciprocated orders and settlement agreements
OSC QuadrigaCX report
OSC QuadrigaCX report
QuadrigaCX investigative report
News & events
News & events
News releases
Speeches and interviews
OSC Dialogue
OSC Dialogue
OSC Dialogue 2025: Future Ready
OSC Dialogue 2024: Inviting, thriving and secure capital markets
OSC Dialogue 2023: Regulating with Purpose
OSC Dialogue 2025: Future Ready
Reports and publications
Media resources
Connect with us
OSC Guide
COVID-19 updates
About us
About us
Role of the OSC
Role of the OSC
Our structure
OSC Strategic Plan
OSC organization and leadership
Advisory committees
Board Directors
Board Directors
Board Director opportunities
Board committees
OSC Annual Report
OSC Statement of Priorities
OSC Business Plan
OSC Service Commitment
OSC Service Commitment
OSC Service Standards Reporting
Expense disclosure
Domestic and international engagement
Domestic and international engagement
Domestic engagement
Domestic engagement
Domestic Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs)
International engagement
International engagement
International Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs)
Data privacy and the Administrative Arrangement
Visits from foreign delegations
Careers at the OSC
Careers at the OSC
Working at the OSC
Student employment opportunities
Applying for a job with the OSC
Contact us
Contact us
Accessing OSC records
Open Data
Open Data
Open Data feedback form
Comments Received (comment period due September 14, 2000 )