Ontario Securities Commission – s. 3(1))



DELEGATION (subsection 3(1))


A. On May 25, 2016, pursuant to subsection 6(3) of the Securities Act (the "Act"), the Ontario Securities Commission (the "Commission") issued an amended and restated assignment (the "May 25, 2016 Assignment") assigning certain of its powers and duties under the Act to each "Director" as that term is defined in subsection 1(1) of the Act, acting individually;

B. on proclamation of subsection 40(10) of the Securities Commission Act, 2021, subsection 6(3) of the Act will be repealed;

C. on proclamation of subsection 40(8) of the Securities Commission Act, 2021, subsection 3(1) of the Act will be repealed and replaced with a provision authorizing the Commission to delegate any of the Commission's powers and duties under the Act to the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission or to another Director;

D. the Commission considers it desirable to revoke the May 25, 2016 Assignment and issue a delegation of certain of its powers and duties to the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission and each Director pursuant to subsection 3(1) of the Act;


1. The May 25, 2016 Assignment is revoked, without prejudice to the effectiveness of any lawful exercise prior to the date of this revocation of the powers and duties assigned thereby, and is hereby replaced with the following delegation (the "Delegation").

2. Pursuant to subsection 3(1) of the Act, the Commission delegates to each Director, acting individually, the powers and duties vested in or imposed on the Commission by

(a) subsections 1(10), 1(11), 127(1.1), and 127(4.1), and sections 11, 12, 20, 50, 61, 62, 70, 73.3, 74, 80, 88, 113, 115, 117, 121, 122, 128, 129, 146, and 147 of the Act;

(b) Parts VIII, IX and X of the Act but only in respect of matters that

(i) do not raise significant regulatory or public interest concerns, and

(ii) do not introduce a novel feature to the capital markets; and

(c) section 144 of the Act, to revoke or vary

(i) any decision described in paragraph (a),

(ii) any decision described in paragraph (b), but only if the decision to revoke or vary

1. does not raise significant regulatory or public interest concerns, and

2. does not introduce a novel feature to the capital markets;

(iii) any decision made by a Director under authority assigned to the Director pursuant to the May 2016 Assignment or any predecessor assignment under subsection 6(3) of the Act, and

(iv) any decision made under section 144 of the Act, but only if at the time of revoking or varying that decision, the Director would have been authorized to make the decision being varied or revoked.

3. The Chief Executive Officer of the Commission shall from time to time determine which one or more other Directors, in each case acting alone, should, as an administrative matter, exercise each of the powers or perform each of the duties assigned by the Commission in paragraph 2 above, each of which powers and duties may also be exercised and performed by the Chief Executive Officer, acting alone.

4. Pursuant to subsection 3(1) of the Act, the Commission delegates to the Chief Executive Officer of the Commission the powers and duties vested in or imposed on the Commission by

(a) subsections 20.1(3), 127(5.1), and 143.11(2), and sections 37, 126, 140, and 153 of the Act; and

(b) section 144 of the Act, to revoke or vary

(i) any decision described in paragraph (a), and

(ii) any decision made under section 144 of the Act, but only if at the time of revoking or varying that decision, the Chief Executive Officer would have been authorized to make the decision being varied or revoked.

5. No person or company shall be required to inquire as to the authority of a member of the staff of the Commission to sign a decision pursuant to this Delegation in the capacity of a Director, and a decision purporting to be signed pursuant to this Delegation by a member of the staff of the Commission in the capacity of a Director shall be conclusively deemed to have been signed by a Director authorized by this Delegation without proof of such authority.

6. This Delegation does not preclude the Commission from itself exercising or performing any of the delegated powers or duties.

7. This Order is effective on the day that subsection 40(8) of the Securities Commission Act, 2021 comes into force.

Board Approved: April 26, 2022