Orogrande Resources Inc. - s. 83.1(1)


R.S.O. 1990, CHAPTER S. 5, AS AMENDED (the "Act")



(Subsection 83.1(1))

UPON the application of Orogrande Resources Inc. ("Orogrande") for an order pursuant to subsection 83.1(1) of the Act deeming Orogrande to be a reporting issuer for the purposes of Ontario securities law.

AND UPON considering the application and the recommendation of the staff of the Commission.

AND UPON Orogrande having represented to the Commission as follows:

1.Orogrande was incorporated under the laws of British Columbia on December 4, 1980.

2.Orogrande has been a reporting issuer under the Securities Act (Alberta)(the "Alberta Act") since June 24, 1987 and became a reporting issuer under the Securities Act (British Columbia) (the "B.C. Act") on November 26, 1999 as a result of the merger of the Vancouver Stock Exchange and the Alberta Stock Exchange to form the Canadian Venture Exchange (the "CDNX"). Orogrande is not in default of any of the requirements of the Alberta Act or the B.C. Act.

3.Orogrande is not a reporting issuer in Ontario or any other jurisdiction.

4.The capital stock of Orogrande consists of an unlimited number of common shares and an unlimited number of preferred shares.

5.As at September 30, 2000, 23,084,117 common shares and 1,878,568 Series A preferred shares were outstanding, and 1,273,000 options and warrants to purchase common shares of Orogrande were outstanding.

6.The common shares of Orogrande are listed on the CDNX and Orogrande is compliance with all requirements of the CDNX.

7.The continuous disclosure requirements of the Alberta Act and the B.C. Act are substantially the same as the requirements under the Act.

8.The continuous disclosure materials filed by Orogrande under the Alberta Act and the B.C. Act are available on the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval.

AND UPON the Commission being satisfied that to do so would not be prejudicial to the public interest:

IT IS HEREBY ORDERED pursuant to subsection 83.1(1) of the Act that Orogrande is deemed to be areporting issuer for the purposes of Ontario securities law.

December 22nd, 2000

"J.A. Geller""R. Stephen Paddon"