Valentine , Mark Edward

R.S.O. 1990, c. S.5, as amended







WHEREAS it appears to the Ontario Securities Commission that:

  1. Mark Edward Valentine is an individual residing in Ontario and was, until recently, the Chairman of Thompson Kernaghan & Co. Ltd ("TK").
  2. TK is a corporation incorporated pursuant to the laws of Ontario and is registered with the Investment Dealers' Association as an Investment Dealer.
  3. Valentine is Registered Representative with the Investment Dealers' Association and the designated Trading Officer for TK.
  4. Valentine, acting through private companies, is the General Partner of limited partnerships including the Canadian Advantage Limited Partnership and VC Advatange Fund Limited Partnership. Valentine is also the Registered Representative authorized to trade securities on behalf of these limited partnerships.
  5. Staff of the Commission and the Investment Dealers' Association are conducting an investigation into the affairs of Valentine, including his actions as General Partner of certain limited partnerships, and his trading of shares in certain over-the-counter securities.
  6. Staff are informed that on June 13, 2002, as a result of an internal investigation, TK suspended Valentine's employment and took steps to exclude him from TK's premises.
  7. The Commission is of the opinion that it in the public interest to make the following order.
  8. The Commission is of the opinion that the length of time required to conclude a hearing in this matter could be prejudicial to the public interest.

AND WHEREAS by Commission Order made March 9, 2001, pursuant to section 3.5(3) of the Act, any one of David A. Brown, Howard I. Wetston or Paul M. Moore, acting alone, is authorized to make orders under section 127 of the Act;

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that pursuant to clause 1 of section 127(1) of the Act that Valentine's registration under Ontario securities law is hereby suspended for the later of fifteen days after the making of this order or the conclusion of a hearing under s. 127(6) unless further extended by the Commission at such a hearing;

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that pursuant to clause 2 of section 127(1) of the Act that trading in any securities by Valentine cease; and

IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that pursuant to section 127(6) of the Act the aforesaid order shall take effect immediately and shall expire on the fifteenth day after its making unless extended by the Commission.

DATED at Whistler, British Columbia this 17th day of June, 2002



David A. Brown, Chair
Ontario Securities Commission