Effective Oversight of Service Providers and Modernization of Investment Fund Product Regulation- Alternative Funds (Session A: Webinar)
12, 2017
02:00 pm
04:00 pm
Event Details
- how registrants, with a focus on investment fund managers, can effectively oversee third party service providers retained to provide fund accounting, trust accounting, recordkeeping, compliance consulting, portfolio management and other services;
- the CSA’s proposed amendments to NI 81-102 and NI 81-101 with respect to alternative funds.
Who should attend:
Registered representatives, ultimate designated persons, chief compliance officers, and legal counsel for investment fund managers and dealers.
- Gain insight into how a registrant can effectively oversee its service providers in order to meet its obligation of being responsible and accountable for the work performed by service providers.
- Enhance understanding of the CSA’s proposed amendments to revise regulation for alternative funds.
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