Request for Comment - Amendments to Trading Policies - Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc.
Aequitas NEO Exchange Inc. (“NEO Exchange”) is publishing proposed amendments (the “Proposed Amendments”) to the NEO Exchange trading policies (the “Trading Policies”) in accordance with Schedule 5 to its recognition order, as amended.
The Proposed Amendments include:
- Changes to matching priorities across all NEO Exchange trading books so that the market maker volume allocation will no longer have priority over NEO TraderTM Orders, to reduce unnecessary intermediation;
- Amendments to support the implementation of a separate dark book (now referred to as NEO-D) with features slightly revised from those that were originally planned; and
- Removal of references to certain functionality that was originally contemplated but never implemented.
A copy of the NEO Exchange notice including the Proposed Amendments to the Trading Policies is published on our website at