Protocoles d’entente nationaux
La Commission des valeurs mobilières de l'Ontario (CVMO) a conclu un certain nombre de protocoles d'entente nationaux, notamment avec le ministre des Finances de l’Ontario. Ce document décrit l’obligation de reddition de comptes de la CVMO envers le Ministre et établit les rôles et les responsabilités du ministre des Finances, du président et chef de la direction de la Commission, du conseil d’administration, du directeur général et du chef de l’administration, et du sous-ministre des Finances.
Elle a conclu des protocoles d'entente nationaux avec d'autres organismes gouvernementaux, des organismes de réglementation, et des organismes d'application de la loi partout au Canada. Les divers protocoles d'entente comptent des dispositions qui effectuent ce qui suit :
- décrivent les obligations de reddition de comptes en plus de tracer les grandes lignes des rôles et des responsabilités;
- favorisent la sécurité et l'efficacité au sein des marchés des valeurs mobilières;
- contribuent à la gestion des risques systémiques;
- favorisent une vérification de qualité supérieure et inspirent confiance aux investisseurs;
- réduisent les chevauchements entre leurs mandats respectifs et reconnaissent la valeur du travail collaboratif;
- donnent un aperçu de la façon dont chaque territoire de compétence collabore et coopère dans le cadre de ses efforts de réglementation afin de superviser l'application de la Loi sur les valeurs mobilières;
- échangent de l'information de manière confidentielle pour aider chaque organisme à exécuter son mandat respectif.
Ces protocoles d'entente renforcent les relations et favorisent la collaboration sur des questions d'intérêt mutuel. En outre, la CVMO a conclu un certain nombre de protocoles d'entente avec des partenaires internationaux.
Notice of Agreement Concerning the Sharing of Derivatives Data Between the Ontario Securities Commission and Bank of Canada
Notice of Information Sharing Agreement Between the Ontario Securities Commission and Statistics Canada
Protocole d’entente entre le ministre des Finances et la Commission des valeurs mobilières de l’Ontario
Protocole d’entente entre le ministre des Finances et la Commission des valeurs mobilières de l’Ontario
Notice of Memorandum of Understanding for the Confidentiality of Information among the Members of the Heads of Regulatory Agencies Committee
Notice of Memorandum of Understanding for the Confidentiality of Information among the Members of the Heads of Regulatory Agencies Committee
Notice of Ministerial Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Respecting the Resolution of Certain Clearing and Settlement Systems
Notice of Memorandum of Understanding Respecting the Resolution of Certain Clearing and Settlement Systems
Notice of Ministerial Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Oversight of CNSX Markets Inc. Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission
Notice of Ministerial Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Oversight of CNSX Markets Inc. Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission
Notice of Ministerial Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Oversight of CNSX Markets Inc. Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission
Notice of Ministerial Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Oversight of CNSX Markets Inc. Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission
Notice of Ministerial Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Oversight of CNSX Markets Inc. Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission
Memorandum of Understanding with The Toronto Stock Exchange and The Toronto Futures Exchange
Notice of Ministerial Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Oversight of CNSX Markets Inc. Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission
Notice of Ministerial Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Oversight of CNSX Markets Inc. Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission
Notice of Ministerial Approval of Memorandum of Understanding for Oversight of CNSX Markets Inc. Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission
Amendment of Agreement among Certain Provincial Securities Regulators in respect of the Ownership and Licensing of the Intellectual Property comprising the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR), the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI), and the National Registration Database (NRD) (CSA National Systems) to Extend Scope to New CSA National Systems
Notice of Memorandum of Understanding for Oversight of CNSX Markets Inc. Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the British Columbia Securities Commission
Notice of Amendment of Agreement among Certain Provincial Securities Regulatory Authorities in respect of the Ownership and Licensing of the Intellectual Property Comprising the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR), the System for Electronic Disclosure by Insiders (SEDI), and the National Registration Database (NRD) (CSA National Systems) to Extend Scope to New CSA National Systems
Notice of Memorandum of Understanding – Memorandum of Understanding Respecting the Oversight of Exchanges and Quotation and Trade Reporting Systems
Notice of Coming into Effect – Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation, Cooperation and the Exchange of Information Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the Canadian Public Accountability Board
Notice of Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Consultation, Cooperation and the Exchange of Information Between the Ontario Securities Commission and the Canadian Public Accountability Board
Memorandum of Understanding Between Minister of Finance and Ontario Securities Commission 2019
Notice of Ministerial Approval of Arrangements Regarding the Access, Collection, Storage and Use of Derivatives Data
Arrangements Regarding the Access, Collection Storage and Use of Derivatives Data
Notice of Arrangements Regarding the Access, Collection, Storage and Use of Derivatives Data
Notice of Ministerial Approval of the Memorandum of Understanding Between Financial Planning Standards Council and Ontario Securities Commission
Notice Of Memorandum Of Understanding Between Financial Planning Standards Council And Ontario Securities Commission
Effective April 1, 2019, all references in the MOU to the Financial Planning Standards Council (“FPSC”) shall be construed as references to FP Canada