6 - Offres publiques d’achat et opérations spéciales Fil d'Ariane Accueil 6 - Offres publiques d’achat et opérations spéciales Component Menu Left Sidebar Droit des valeurs mobilières Législation Normes, règles et politiques 1 - Procédure et questions connexes 2 - Certains acteurs du marché des capitaux 3 - Exigences en matière d’enregistrement et de questions connexes 4 - Exigences en matière de distribution 5 - Exigences permanentes pour les émetteurs et les initiés 6 - Offres publiques d’achat et opérations spéciales 7 - Opérations sur titres en dehors de la compétence 8 - Fonds d’investissement 9 - Produits dérivés Documents non numérotés Établissement de règles relatives aux valeurs mobilières en Ontario Normes proposées, règles et politiques Ordonnances et décisions Contrats-cadres Ordonnances de délégation Bulletin de la CVMO Dépôt de documents en ligne Recherche par mot clé Trier par PertinenceNuméro de la norme décroissantNuméro de la norme croissant Résultats 1 - 30 de 30 Instrument Number Titre 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions 61-301 Staff Guidance on the Practice of “Mini-Tenders” 61-302 Staff Review and Commentary on Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions 61-303 Soliciting Dealer Arrangements 61-501, 61-501CP [repealed and replaced by MI 61-101] Insider Bids, Issuer Bids, Business Combinations and Related Party Transactions. 61-701 Applications for Exemptive Relief under Rule 61-501 61-801 Implementing Multilateral Instrument 61-101 - Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions 62-101 [repealed] Control Block Distribution Issues 62-102 [repealed] Disclosure of Outstanding Share Data 62-103 The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues 62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids 62-105 Security Holder Rights Plans 62-201 Bids Made Only In Certain Jurisdictions (Withdrawn by CSA Notice 11-313, February 19, 2010) 62-202 Take-Over Bids - Defensive Tactics 62-203 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids 62-301 CSA Notice on Implementation of the Zimmerman Amendments Governing the Conduct of Take-Over and Issuer Bids (Withdrawn by CSA Notice 11-313, February 19, 2010) 62-302 Prospectus Filing Matters - Arthur Andersen LLP Consent (Withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-309, March 3, 2006) 62-303 Identifying the Offeror in a Take-over Bid (Withdrawn by CSA Notice 11-313, February 19, 2010) 62-304 Conditions in Financing Arrangements for Take-over Bids and Issuer Bids (Withdrawn by CSA Notice 11-313, February 19, 2010) 62-305 Varying the Terms of Take-Over Bids 62-306 Update on Proposed National Instrument 62-105 Security Holder Rights Plans and AMF Consultation Paper An Alternative Approach to Securities Regulators’ Intervention in Defensive Tactics 62-307 Update on Proposed Amendments to Multilateral Instrument 62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids, National Instrument 62-103 Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues and National Policy 62-203 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids 62-501 [repealed] Prohibited Stock Market Purchases of the Offeree's Securities by the Offerer During a Take-Over Bid 62-503 [repealed] Financing of Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids 62-504 [repealed] Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids 62-601 [rescinded] Securities Exchange Take-Over Bids - Trades in the Offeror's Securities 62-602 Business and Asset Combinations 62-701 Staff Investigation in Respect of Loan by Stelco Inc. to Controlling Shareholder of Clarus Corporation 62-801 [not proceeding] Implementing National Instrument 62-104 Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids 62-904 In The Matter Of The Recognition Of Certain Jurisdictions -- Recognition Order -- Clauses 93(1)(e) and 93(3)(h) of the Act