2 - Certains acteurs du marché des capitaux Fil d'Ariane Accueil 2 - Certains acteurs du marché des capitaux Component Menu Left Sidebar Droit des valeurs mobilières Législation Normes, règles et politiques 1 - Procédure et questions connexes 2 - Certains acteurs du marché des capitaux 3 - Exigences en matière d’enregistrement et de questions connexes 4 - Exigences en matière de distribution 5 - Exigences permanentes pour les émetteurs et les initiés 6 - Offres publiques d’achat et opérations spéciales 7 - Opérations sur titres en dehors de la compétence 8 - Fonds d’investissement 9 - Produits dérivés Documents non numérotés Établissement de règles relatives aux valeurs mobilières en Ontario Normes proposées, règles et politiques Ordonnances et décisions Contrats-cadres Ordonnances de délégation Bulletin de la CVMO Dépôt de documents en ligne Recherche par mot clé Trier par PertinenceNuméro de la norme décroissantNuméro de la norme croissant Résultats 1 - 30 de 140 Instrument Number Titre 21-101 Marketplace Operation, Companion Policy, Forms 21-101F1, 21-101F2, 21-101F3 and 21-101F4 21-301 Canadian Venture Exchange (Withdrawn by CSA Notice 11-313, February 19, 2010) 21-302 Confidentiality of Forms Filed under National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation (Withdrawn by CSA Notice 11-313, February 19, 2010) 21-304 [Withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-341, March 7, 2019] Request for Filing of Form 21-101F5 Initial Operation Report for Information Processor by Interested Information Processors 21-305 Extension of Approval of Information Processor for Corporate Fixed Income Securities (Withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-323, September 12, 2013) 21-306 [Withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-341, March 7, 2019] Notice of Filing of Forms 21-101F5 - Initial Operation Report for Information Processor 21-307 Extension of Approval of Information Processor for Corporate Fixed Income Securities (Withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-323, September 12, 2013) 21-308 Update on Applications to Become an Information Processor (Withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-323, September 12, 2013) 21-309 Information Processor for Exchange-Traded Securities other than Options (Withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-333, December 1, 2016) 21-310 Information Processor for Corporate Debt Securities (Withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-333, December 1, 2016) 21-312 Update on Consultation Paper 21-401 Real Time Market Data Fees 21-313 Information Processor for Exchange-Traded Securities other than Options 21-314 Information Processor for Corporate Debt Securities (Withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-333, December 1, 2016) 21-315 Next Steps in Regulation and Transparency of the Fixed Income Market 21-316 Information Processor for Corporate Debt Securities 21-317 Next Steps in Implementation of a Plan to Enhance Regulation of the Fixed Income Market 21-318 Information Processor for Corporate Debt Securities 21-319 Data Fees Methodology 21-320 Update: National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation and Related Companion Policy - Dealing with Government Debt Transparency 21-321 Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) - Share Trading Obligation and its Application to Canadian Securities 21-322 Applicability of Regulation to the Operation of MTFs or OTFs in Canada 21-323 Proposal for Mandatory Post-Trade Transparency of Trades in Government Debt Securities, Expanded Transparency of Trades in Corporate Debt Securities and Proposed Amendments to National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation and Related Companion Policy 21-324 Information Processor for Exchange-Traded Securities other than Options 21-325 Follow-up on Marketplace Systems Incidents 21-326 Guidance for Reporting Material Systems Incidents 21-327 Guidance on the Application of Securities Legislation to Entities Facilitating the Trading of Crypto Assets 21-328 Regulatory Approach to Foreign Marketplaces Trading Fixed Income Securities 21-329 Guidance for Crypto-Asset Trading Platforms: Compliance with Regulatory Requirements 21-330 Guidance for Crypto-Trading Platforms - Requirements relating to Advertising, Marketing and Social Media Use 21-331 Information Processor for Exchange - Traded Securities other than Options Pagination Page courante 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page suivante Suivant › Dernière page Dernier »