ATSs operating in Ontario

All alternative trading systems (ATSs) registered to operate in Ontario are subject to the Process for the Review and Approval of the Information Contained in Form 21-101F2 and the Exhibits Thereto (the ATS Protocol) by way of Commission Order. The following is a list of ATSs operating in Ontario:

Bloomberg Tradebook Canada

Bloomberg Tradebook Canada is an ATS operating in Ontario.

As an ATS, Bloomberg Tradebook Canada may periodically publish notices about proposed changes to certain aspects of its operations pursuant to the ATS Protocol governing the filing, review and approval of changes to certain aspects of its operations. The following is a list of orders and notices pertaining to Bloomberg Tradebook Canada.


CanDeal is an ATS operating in Ontario.

As an ATS, CanDeal may periodically publish notices about proposed changes to certain aspects of its operations pursuant to the ATS Protocol governing the filing, review and approval of changes to certain aspects of its operations. The following is a list of orders and notices pertaining to CanDeal.

Coinsquare Capital Markets Ltd.

Coinsquare is an ATS operating in Ontario.

As an ATS, Coinsquare may periodically publish notices about proposed changes to certain aspects of its operations pursuant to the ATS Protocol governing the filing, review and approval of changes to certain aspects of its operations. The following is a list of orders and notices pertaining to Coinsquare.

EquiLend Canada Corp. – Ceased Operations as an ATS

As of March 1, 2024, EquiLend Canada Corp. has ceased operating as an ATS. Its affiliate, EquiLend LLC, is now operating as an ATS in Ontario pursuant to a decision issued by the Commission dated January 3, 2024 granting exemptions from the marketplace requirements under National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation, National Instrument 23-101 Trading Rules and National Instrument 23-103 Electronic Trading and Direct Electronic Access to Marketplaces. 

Instinet Canada Cross (ICX)

Instinet Canada Cross (ICX) is an ATS operating in Ontario.

As an ATS, Instinet Canada Cross (ICX) may periodically publish notices about proposed changes to certain aspects of its operations pursuant to the ATS Protocol governing the filing, review and approval of changes to certain aspects of its operations. The following is a list of orders and notices pertaining to Instinet Canada Cross (ICX).

Liquidnet Canada

Liquidnet Canada is an ATS operating in Ontario.

As an ATS, Liquidnet Canada may periodically publish notices about proposed changes to certain aspects of its operations pursuant to the ATS Protocol governing the filing, review and approval of changes to certain aspects of its operations. The following is a list of orders and notices pertaining to Liquidnet Canada.


MarketAxess is an ATS operating in Ontario.

As an ATS, MarketAxess may periodically publish notices about proposed changes to certain aspects of its operations pursuant to the ATS Protocol governing the filing, review and approval of changes to certain aspects of its operations. The following is a list of orders and notices pertaining to MarketAxess.

MATCHNow (operated by TriAct) – Ceased Operations as an ATS

As of January 1, 2024, Aequitas Innovations Inc., Neo Exchange Inc. and TriAct Canada Marketplace LP amalgamated into Cboe Canada Inc. under the varied and restated recognition order issued on December 1, 2023. Pursuant to the amalgamation, MATCHNow is an order book of Cboe Canada Inc., a recognized exchange in Ontario.

Ndax Canada Inc.

Ndax is an ATS operating in Ontario. The Alberta Securities Commission is the primary regulator for Ndax.

As an ATS, Ndax may periodically publish notices about proposed changes to certain aspects of its operations. The following is a list of orders and notices pertaining to Ndax.

Omega ATS / Lynx ATS (operated by Tradelogiq Markets Inc.)

Omega ATS is an ATS operating in Ontario.

Lynx ATS is an ATS operating in Ontario

As ATSs, Omega ATS and Lynx ATS may periodically publish notices about proposed changes to certain aspects of their operations pursuant to the ATS Protocol governing the filing, review and approval of changes to certain aspects of their operations. The following is a list of orders and notices pertaining to Omega ATS and Lynx ATS.

Perimeter Markets Inc./CBID

Perimeter Markets Inc./CBID is an ATS operating in Ontario.

As an ATS, CBID / CBID Institutional may periodically publish notices about proposed changes to certain aspects of its operations pursuant to the ATS Protocol governing the filing, review and approval of changes to certain aspects of its operations. The following is a list of orders and notices pertaining to Perimeter Markets Inc./CBID.

SIGMA X Canada – Ceased Operations as an ATS

Sigma X Canada has announced that it will no longer accept orders from subscribers and is ceasing operations effective from the close of business on Friday, April 27th 2012.

TMX Select Inc. – Ceased Operations as an ATS

TMX Select Inc. (TMX Select) has filed Form 21-101F4 Cessation of Operations Report for Alternative Trading System (F4) with the Commission. The F4 indicates that TMX Select is no longer carrying on business as an alternative trading system in Ontario.