Next Court Appearance for Andrew Rankin Set for April 1, 2004

Pour diffusion immédiate OSC Before the Court

TORONTO – On March 4, 2004, OSC Enforcement Staff and counsel for Andrew Rankin made their first appearance in Provincial Court at Old City Hall on the proceeding against Mr. Rankin, commenced under Section 122 of the Securities Act.

The next appearance on this matter is April 1, 2004, at 9:00 a.m. in Courtroom ‘C’ at Old City Hall. OSC enforcement staff expect to set a judicial pre-trial to discuss scheduling for Mr. Rankin’s trial. Enforcement staff intend to seek the earliest possible trial date.

Mr. Rankin was Managing Director of the Mergers and Acquisitions group at RBC Dominion Securities until 2001. He has been charged with 10 counts of insider trading and 10 counts of 'tipping' contrary to sections 76(1) and 76(2) of the Act.

The charges against Mr. Rankin (Appendix A to the Information) are available at (link is external).

The investigation into these matters was commenced as a result of a referral from Market Regulation Services Inc. (RS).

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For Media Inquiries:

Wendy Dey
Director, Communications

For Investor Inquiries: Call the OSC Contact Centre
(416) 593-8314
1-877-785-1555 (Toll Free)