Scheduled outage for OSC Electronic Filing Portal: February 4, 2025, from 5:30 pm to 11:30 pm (EST).
Interpretation Note 1, Distribution of Securities Outside Ontario
Interpretation Note 1, Distribution of Securities Outside Ontario
Interpretation Note 1 – Distributions of Securities Outside Ontario
Sources: (1983) O.S.C.B. 226 and (2018) O.S.C.B 41 OSCB 2363
1. Interpretation Note 1 was to be reformulated as OSC Rule 72-101: 23 O.S.C.B. 6260 (September 8, 2000) but OSCN 11-739 notes that the reformulation did not proceed.
2. Interpretation Note 1 was withdrawn on March 31, 2018 when OSC Rule 72-503 Distributions Outside Canada became effective.]