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Final Amendment (effective December 30, 1998): Limitations on a Registrant Underwriting Securities of a Related Issuer or Connected Issuer of the Registrant
Final Amendment (effective December 30, 1998): Limitations on a Registrant Underwriting Securities of a Related Issuer or Connected Issuer of the Registrant
On December 7, 1998, the Minister of Finance approved amendments to the followingrules for the purpose of extending the expiration date from December 31, 1998 toDecember 31, 1999:
1. In the Matter of the Limitations on a Registrant Underwriting Securities of a RelatedIssuer or Connected Issuer of the Registrant (1997), 20 OSCB 1217;
2. In the Matter of Certain Advisers (1997), 20 OSCB 1217;
3. In the Matter of the Prompt Offering Qualification System [including National PolicyStatement No.47] (1997), 20 OSCB 1217;
4. In the Matter of National Policy Statement No. 47 and the Solicitation of Expressions ofInterest [including National Policy Statement No. 47] (1997), 20 OSCB 1217;
5. In the Matter of Certain Reporting Issuers (1997), 20 OSCB 1219;
6. In the Matter of Certain Reporting Issuers (1997), 20 OSCB 1218;
7. In the Matter of Certain Reporting Issuers (1997), 20 OSCB 1219;
8. In the Matter of Certain Reporting Issuers (1997), 20 OSCB 1219; and
9. In the Matter of Certain Reporting Issuers [including National Policy Statement No.41](1997), 20 OSCB 1219.
The notices and the amendments to the rules were published in the October 9, 1998 OSCBulletin at (1998), 21 OSCB 6431.
In addition, on December 7, 1998, the Minister of Finance approved an amendment to therule entitled In the Matter of Rules for Shelf Prospectus Offerings and for Pricing OfferingsAfter the Prospectus is Receipted [including National Policy Statement No. 44] (1997), 20OSCB 1217 for the purpose of extending the expiration date from July 1, 1999 toDecember 31, 1999. The notice and amendment was published in the November 20, 1998OSC Bulletin at (1998), 21 OSCB 7209.
The amendments to the rules come into force on December 22, 1998. The amendmentsto the rules will be published in the OSC Bulletin after the effective date.
1.1 Amendment - The Rule entitled In the Matter of the Limitations on a RegistrantUnderwriting Securities of a Related Issuer or Connected Issuer of the Registrantis amended by deleting "December 31, 1998" in the last sentence and replacing itwith "December 31, 1999."