Notice of Ministerial Approval of OSC Rule 51-506 Extension to Ontario Instrument 51-930 Exemption from the Director Election Form of Proxy Requirement

Notice of Ministerial Approval of OSC Rule 51-506 Extension to Ontario Instrument 51-930 Exemption from the Director Election Form of Proxy Requirement

Notice of Ministerial Approval Blanket Order

Ministerial Approval

On April 3, 2024, the Ontario Securities Commission (the OSC) made as a rule under the Securities Act (Ontario) local OSC Rule 51-506 Extension to Ontario Instrument 51-930 Exemption from the Director Election Form of Proxy Requirement (the Rule) in Ontario.

The above material was published on May 9, 2024, in the Bulletin. See (2024), 47 OSCB 3922.

On June 26, 2024, the Minister of Finance approved the Rule.

The text of the Rule is published in Chapter B.5 of this Bulletin.

Effective Date

The Rule has an effective date of July 31, 2024.