The Conference Board of Canada: Inclusion and Diversity Leadership Conference
Hotel X, 111 Princes’ Boulevard, Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
Event Details
Panel - Slow progress: Why Isn't Corporate Canada Doing Better on Diversity?
Women's advancement in C-suite and Director roles is not moving fast enough. Supported by research findings, panellists will explore the barriers to moving the need on board and C-suite diversity.
This panel of leaders will share their thoughts on what approaches—ranging from research, dialogue, investor and employee advocacy and regulatory initiatives—are the most effective in advancing gender diversity. Panellists will conclude with a call to action on concrete steps needed to move diversity and inclusion forward.
Moderator: Louisa Greco, Senior Advisor, McKinsey & Company, Inc.
- Maureen Jensen, Chair and Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Securities Commission
- Ron Mock, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan
- David Pathe, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Sherritt
Event Image