Corporate Culture 2019: People, Purpose, Performance
Hotel X, 111 Princes' Boulevard, Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
Event Details
The recent #MeToo movement has deeply impacted organizations by shedding light on harassment and abuse that is often perpetuated or tolerated by those in leadership positions. The way an organization responds to allegations of harassment and abuse can have significant impact on the mental health of employees.
This session will begin with a presentation that examines:
- Prevalence and impact of harassment at work
- What employers can do to create an environment where people can come forward without fear of reprisal
- How employees can speak up when they see wrongdoing.
The following panel will look at the broader issue of dysfunctional cultures and the signs you should look for to identify if something is wrong.
Presenter: Jane Watson, Head, People and Operations, Actionable
- André J. Moniz , Manager, Office of the Whistleblower, Enforcement Branch, Ontario Securities Commission
- Christine Pietschmann, Executive Director, Talent Management, CBC/Radio-Canada
- Milé Komlen, Director, Human Rights and Equity Services, McMaster University
Event Image