Gowling WLG FSxT Connect Regulatory Pulse

07 oct. 2024
09h00  -  11h00
Event Details

FSxT Connect: Regulatory Pulse is a unique event that will explore the interplay between financial services and technology from a Canadian regulatory perspective.

Featuring influential voices including from the Bank of Canada, Payments Canada and the Ontario Securities Commission, this event promises to spark new ideas, ignite discussion and offer actionable insights to help you prepare for what’s next.

Moderator: Anne Butler, Chief Legal Officer, Peoples Group

Speakers include:

  • Leslie Byberg, Executive Vice President, Strategic Regulation, Ontario Securities Commission
  • Ron Morrow, Executive Director of Payments Supervision, and Oversight, Bank of Canada
  • Donna Kinoshita, Chief Payments Officer, Payments Canada
Event Image
Three young Asian people with laptop at a meeting or seminar