Hot Topics in Continuous Disclosure: What small and medium issuers need to know
Event Details
This webinar will review and discuss deficiencies commonly noted by staff in continuous disclosure filings pursuant to a reporting issuer’s disclosure requirements, including those under National Instrument 51-102 Continuous Disclosure Obligations and National Instrument 52-112 Non-GAAP and Other Financial Measures Disclosure and will provide guidance to assist with reporting obligations.
Some key topics will include:
- Non-GAAP and other financial measures disclosure
- Overly promotional disclosure (including greenwashing)
- Forward-looking information disclosure expectations
- Financial reporting and disclosure during economic uncertainty (i.e., inflationary pressures)
- Management Discussion & Analysis common deficiencies
Event Image

Who should attend
- CEOs and CFOs of SMEs
- Preparers of financial statements and MD&A
- Directors of SMEs
- In-house or external legal counsel
- Advisors to companies
Why should you attend
- To understand important ongoing securities requirements to prepare quality continuous disclosure documentation
- To keep abreast of new topics
- To be aware of and avoid common filing deficiencies