The No Errors Tour (BLG’s version)
The Ontario Securities Commission has undergone significant change, as have the regulators’ expectations of firms. Join BLG’s Investment Management group and AUM Law for a journey through the various legal and regulatory dramas that firms ought to know about, and the errors they can avoid.
The tour will be moderated by Roma Lotay, Partner, BLG. Our opening act features Matthew Onyeaju, Senior Vice President, Registration, Inspections and Examinations, OSC and Raymond Chan, Senior Vice President, Investment Management, OSC. These “guys from the Chief’s” will set the tone with an introspective and intimate look at the commission’s new structure, revised goals, and how these impact your business.
As our event is taking place the day before Hallowe’en, you are welcome you to dress up as your favourite era or Taylor-adjacent character.
You can participate in person or stream the event via Webex.
The set-list features:
- SPEAK NOW (The OSC's Version): What the OSC’s new structure and direction mean for you
- TORTURED REGISTRANTS’ DEPARTMENTS: How the changes at the OSC impact your firm
- FEARLESS: New frontiers at CIRO
- EVERMORE: Exempt Market and Private Fund Considerations
- REPUTATION: Portfolio Manager, IFM and Public Fund issues