OTC derivatives trade reporting in Ontario: what are your obligations?

Industry event Past Event
15 jan. 2014
09h00  -  11h00
OSC, 22nd floor, 20 Queen Street West, Toronto, Ontario
Event Details

On November 14, 2013, the OSC published OSC Rule 91-506 Derivatives: Product Determination and OSC Rule 91-507Trade Repositories and Derivatives Data Reporting, which is the first set of harmonized derivatives rules for Ontario and one of the most important elements of global OTC derivatives reform. The reporting obligations for the OSC rule begin July 2, 2014 and the OSC wants to help market participants navigate these requirements and ensure preparedness.

The seminar will cover four key areas: how to report transactions, end user obligations, tips for ensuring dealer compliance and reporting fields.

The seminar provides an opportunity for market participants to learn more about these new requirements and for the OSC to engage directly with market participants on this important rule and implementation process.

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions of the rule drafters and hear from other participants about their experience and best practices in responding to the changes.

Presentation Materials: Derivatives seminar

Event Image
otc derivatives