le 25 octobre 2002 MRRS Decision Canada Pension Plan Investment Board - MRRS Decision Ordonnances et décisions
le 16 mai 2003 MRRS Decision Merrill Lynch Financial Assets Inc. and Merrill Lynch Canada Inc. - MRRS Decision Ordonnances et décisions
le 11 juin 2003 MRRS Decision RBC Global Investment Management Inc. - MRRS Decision Ordonnances et décisions
le 10 novembre 2015 Decision HSBC Global Asset Management (Canada) Limited and the Mutual Funds Listed in Schedule “A” Ordonnances et décisions
le 4 avril 2005 MRRS Decision Fidelity International Limited - MRRS Decision Ordonnances et décisions
le 22 octobre 2004 Ruling AMI Partners Inc. - ss. 74(1) of the Act and s. 233 of Reg. 1015 Ordonnances et décisions
le 8 mai 2015 Decision Sentry Investments Inc. and certain other registered firms as of July 15, 2015 Ordonnances et décisions
le 8 mai 2015 Decision TD Investment Services Inc. and MFDA member firms registered as of July 15, 2015 Ordonnances et décisions