le 20 avril 2012 Director's Decision Couto, Christopher Veigas - Opportunity to be Heard Ordonnances et décisions
le 10 septembre 2010 Order RBC Asset Management Inc. and RBC Global Asset Management Inc. -- s. 74(1) of the Act and s. 7.1 of NI 33-109 Registration Information Ordonnances et décisions
le 9 novembre 2010 Director's Decision Ittihad Securities Inc. - Opportunity to be Heard Ordonnances et décisions
le 1 juin 2008 Assignment In the Matter of the Revocation of the Assignment of Certain Powers and Duties of the Director to the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization Of Canada (IIROC) and the Assignment of Certain Powers and Duties of the Director to IIROC - ss. 21.5(2) ... Ordonnances et décisions
le 31 mars 2015 Decision Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and CIBC Asset Management Inc. Ordonnances et décisions
le 7 octobre 2015 Decision Desjardins Investments Inc. and the Desjardins Funds Ordonnances et décisions
le 9 octobre 2014 Decision Shahuindo Gold Limited (formerly Sulliden Gold Corporation Ltd.) Ordonnances et décisions
le 10 novembre 2015 Decision HSBC Global Asset Management (Canada) Limited and the Mutual Funds Listed in Schedule “A” Ordonnances et décisions
le 12 mars 2010 Decision Picton Mahoney Asset Management and Picton Mahoney Diversified Strategies Fund Ordonnances et décisions