le 23 mars 2012 Director's Decision ONE Financial Corporation and ONE Financial All-Weather Profit Family Corp. - Opportunity to be Heard Ordonnances et décisions
le 1 juin 2008 Assignment In the Matter of the Revocation of the Assignment of Certain Powers and Duties of the Director to the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization Of Canada (IIROC) and the Assignment of Certain Powers and Duties of the Director to IIROC - ss. 21.5(2) ... Ordonnances et décisions
le 13 novembre 2008 Decision Barclays Global Investors Canada Limited et al. Ordonnances et décisions
le 15 novembre 2013 Decision Fiera Quantum Limited Partnership and Fiera Quantum Income Opportunities Fund Ordonnances et décisions
le 6 septembre 2013 Decision Fiera Capital Corporation and Fiera Diversified Strategy Fund Ordonnances et décisions
le 3 avril 2017 Decision Franklin Templeton Investments Corp. and Franklin Target Return Fund Ordonnances et décisions
le 22 novembre 2013 Decision Man Investments Canada Corp. and GLG Income Opportunities Fund Ordonnances et décisions
le 10 août 2018 Decision CIBC Asset Management Inc. and CIBC Multi-Asset Absolute Return Strategy Ordonnances et décisions