le 1 septembre 2006 Order ICE Futures - s. 147 of the Act and ss. 38 and 80 of the CFA Ordonnances et décisions
le 1 juin 2008 Assignment In the Matter of the Revocation of the Assignment of Certain Powers and Duties of the Director to the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization Of Canada (IIROC) and the Assignment of Certain Powers and Duties of the Director to IIROC - ss. 21.5(2) ... Ordonnances et décisions
le 25 septembre 2012 Order ICE Futures Canada Inc. -- s. 147 of the OSA and ss. 38, 78, 60 and 80 of the CFA Ordonnances et décisions
le 7 octobre 2014 Order Nodal Exchange, LLC - s. 147 of the Act and ss. 38 and 80 of the CFA Ordonnances et décisions
le 24 novembre 2005 Decision Mission Oil and Gas Inc. and Bison Resources Ltd. - MRRS Decision Ordonnances et décisions
le 27 juillet 2012 MRRS Decision Maple Group Acquistion Corporation et al. -- ss. 38, 80 of the CFA and ss. 144, 147 of the Act Ordonnances et décisions