CSA Staff Notice 21-320 Update: National Instrument 21-101 Marketplace Operation and Related Companion Policy - Dealing with Government Debt Transparency
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice 21-321 Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II) - Share Trading Obligation and its Application to Canadian Securities
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice 21-322 Applicability of Regulation to the Operation of MTFs or OTFs in Canada
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice and Request for Comment 21-323 - Proposal for Mandatory Post-Trade Transparency of Trades in Government Debt Securities, Expanded Transparency of Trades in Corporate Debt Securities and Proposed Amendments to NI 21-101
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
[withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-346, September 14, 2023] CSA Staff Notice 21-324 Information Processor for Exchange-Traded Securities other than Options
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice 21-325 Follow-up on Marketplace Systems Incidents
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice 21-326 Guidance for Reporting Material Systems Incidents
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice 21-327 Guidance on the Application of Securities Legislation to Entities Facilitating the Trading of Crypto Assets
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice 21-328 Regulatory Approach to Foreign Marketplaces Trading Fixed Income Securities
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Proposed National Instrument 23-103 Electronic Trading and Direct Electronic Access to Marketplaces
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Notice of National Instrument 23-103 Electronic Trading
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
NI 23-103 Electronic Trading and Companion Policy 23-103 Electronic Trading
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Notice of Ministerial Approval: National Instrument 23-103 Electronic Trading
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice: 21-309 - Information Processor for Exchange-Traded Securities other than Options
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice: 21-310 - Information Processor for Corporate Debt Securities
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice: 21-312 - Update on Consultation Paper 21-401 Real Time Market Data Fees
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
[withdrawn by CSA Staff Notice 11-346, September 14, 2023] CSA Staff Notice: 21-313 - Information Processor for Exchange-Traded Securities other than Options
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice: 21-314 - Information Processor for Corporate Debt Securities
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice and Request for Comment 21-315- Next Steps in Regulation and Transparency of the Fixed Income Market
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice 21-316 - Information Processor for Corporate Debt Securities
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques