Companion Policy 45-106CP Prospectus Exemptions
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice 45-329 Guidance for using the start-up crowdfunding registration and prospectus exemptions
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Notice of Coming into Force – Repeal and Replacement of OSC Rule 13-502 Fees, Repeal and Replacement of OSC Rule 13-503 (Commodity Futures Act) Fees, and Consequential Amendments to OSC Rule 11-501 Electronic Delivery of Documents to the Ontario Securities Commission
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
OSC Staff Notice 11-737 (Revised) – Securities Advisory Committee – Vacancies
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Policy Reformulation Table of Concordance and List of New Instruments
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Notice of Coming into Force – OSC Rule 32-506 (Commodity Futures Act) Exemptions for International Dealers, Advisers and Sub-Advisers – Amendment to OSC Rule 91-502 Trades in Recognized Options under the Securities Act
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice and Request for Comment 25-305 - Application for Approval of the New Investor Protection Fund: Appendix C – Draft MOU among the Regulators regarding oversight of the New IPF
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice and Request for Comment 25-304 - Application for Recognition of New Self-Regulatory Organization: Appendix C – Draft MOU among the Recognizing Regulators regarding oversight of the New SRO
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Implementation Guide to Amendments to National Instrument 33-109: Modernizing Registration Information Requirements, Clarifying Outside Activity Reporting and Updating Filing Deadlines
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Registration Information Amendments (Commodity Futures Act) - December 16, 2021 - Appendix C – Blackline of OSC Rule 33-506
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Notice of Adoption – OSC Rule 32-506 (Commodity Futures Act) Exemptions for International Dealers, Advisers and Sub-Advisers; Amendment to OSC Rule 91-502 Trades in Recognized Options under the Securities Act
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Notice of Ministerial Approval of Amendments to National Instrument 94-101 Mandatory Central Counterparty Clearing of Derivatives and Changes to Companion Policy 94-101 Mandatory Central Counterparty Clearing of Derivatives
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice and Request for Comment 25-304 - Application for Recognition of New Self-Regulatory Organization: Appendix B – Draft Recognition Order for the New SRO
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Proposed Amendments to OSC Rule 13-502 Fees, OSC Rule 13-503 (Commodity Futures Act) Fees and Proposed Changes to their Companion Policies - Annex D – Blackline of Companion Policy 13-502 Fees showing the proposed changes
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice and Request for Comment 25-305 - Application for Approval of the New Investor Protection Fund: Appendix B - Draft Approval Order for the New IPF
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice 11-344 Notice of Local Amendments in Certain Jurisdictions
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
CSA Staff Notice 13-315 (Revised) - Securities Regulatory Authority Closed Dates 2022
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Ontario Instrument 13-508 - Extension of Moratorium on Outside Activities Late Filing Fees
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Notice of General Order – Ontario Instrument 13-508 – Extension of Moratorium on Outside Activities Late Filing Fees
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques
Unofficial Consolidation: National Instrument 81-101 Mutual Fund Prospectus Disclosure
Documents d'Instruments, règles et politiques