Unofficial Consolidation: Form 13-502F7 Specified Regulated Entities – Participation Fee

Unofficial Consolidation: Form 13-502F7 Specified Regulated Entities – Participation Fee

Unofficial Consolidation Forms

Ontario Securities Commission

Form 13-502F7

Unofficial consolidation current to 2015-04-06

This document is not an official statement of law or policy and should be used for reference purposes only.

FORM 13-502F7

Name of Specified Regulated Entity:  _____________________________________

Applicable Calendar Year: ____________________ (2014 or later)

Type of Specified Regulated
Entity: (check one)

            Recognized exchange or recognized quotation and trade reporting system (complete (1) below)

            Alternative trading system (complete (2) or (3) below, as applicable)

            Recognized clearing agency (complete (4) below)

            Exempt exchange, Exempt clearing agency or Designated Trade Repository (complete (5) below, as applicable)

(1) Participation Fee for applicable calendar year -- Recognized exchange or recognized quotation and trade reporting system

Filer should enter their Canadian trading share for the specified period below:

Canadian Trading Share Description

% (To be Entered by Filer)

Line 1: the share in the specified period of the total dollar values of trades of exchange-traded securities


Line 2: the share in the specified period of the total trading volume of exchange-traded securities


Line 3: the share in the specified period of the total number of trades of exchange-traded securities


Line 4: Average of Lines 1, 2 & 3 above


Line 5: Filer is required to Pay the Amount from the corresponding column in the table below based on the average calculated on Line 4 above:


Canadian trading share for the specified period of up to 5%


Canadian trading share for the specified period of 5% to up to 15%


Canadian trading share for the specified period of 15% to up to 25%


Canadian trading share for the specified period of 25% to up to 50%


Canadian trading share for the specified period of 50% to up to 75%.


Canadian trading share for the specified period of 75% or more


(2) Participation Fee for applicable calendar year -- Alternative trading system for exchange-traded securities

Line 6: If operating an alternative trading system for exchange-traded securities, enter participation fee based on your Canadian trading share (Line 5)


Line 7: Enter amount of capital markets participation fee paid based on Form 13-502F4 on December 31 of the prior year


Line 8: Subtract Line 7 from Line 6.  If positive, enter the lesser of this amount and $17,000.  If zero or negative, there is no Part 4 fee payable and there is a refund due to you of the amount determined


(3) Participation fee for applicable calendar year – other alternative trading system

Line 9: If operating as an alternative trading system that is not for exchange-traded securities, enter $30,000


Line 10: Enter amount of capital markets participation fee based on Form 13-502F4 on December 31 of the prior year


Line 11: Subtract Line 10 from Line 9.  If positive, enter

(a)        The lesser of this amount and $8,750 if trading in debt or securities trading

(b)        The lesser of this amount and $17,000 if you are a trading system other than that described in Line 6 or (a) above.

If zero or negative, there is no Part 4 participation fee payable and there is a refund due to you.


(4) Participation Fee for applicable calendar year -- Recognized clearing agency

For services offered in Ontario Market the filer should enter the corresponding amount in the Fees Payable Column:


Fee Payable

Line 12: Matching services, being the provision of facilities for comparing data respecting the terms of settlement of a trade or transaction. Enter $10,000


Line 13: Netting services, being the provision of facilities for the calculation of the mutual obligations of participants for the exchange of securities and/or money. Enter $20,000


Line 14: Settlement services, being services that ensure that securities are transferred finally and irrevocably from one participant to another in exchange for a corresponding transfer of money and/or vice versa. Enter $20,000.


Line 15: Acting as a central clearing counterparty by providing novation services, if the Commission does not place reliance on another regulator for direct oversight. Enter $150,000


Line 16: Acting as a central clearing counterparty by providing novation services, if the Commission places reliance on another regulator for direct oversight. Enter $70,000.


Line 17: Depositary services, being the provision of centralized facilities as a


depositary for securities. Enter $20,000.


Line 18: Total Participation Fee Payable (Sum of Lines 12-17):


(5) Participation Fee for applicable calendar year for other types of specified regulated entities:

Line 19: Filer is required to pay the amount below, as applicable.

(a)          If operating as an Exempt Exchange or Exempt Clearing Agency, enter $10,000

(b)          If operating as a Designated Trade Repository, enter $30,000


(6) Prorated Participation Fee:

Line 20: If this is the first time paying a participation fee as a specified regulated entity, prorate the amount under subsection 4.6(1) of the Rule.


(7) Late Fee

Line 21: Unpaid portion of Participation Fee from Sections (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6)


Line 22: Number of Business Days Late


Line 23: Fee Payable is as follows:
Amount from Line 21*[Amount from Line 22*0.1%]


(8) Total Fee Payable

Line 24: Aggregate Participant Fee from
Sections (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6)


Line 25: Late Fee from Line 23


Line 26: Fee Payable is amount from
Line 24 plus amount from Line 25
